800982 PS Developing a Science Center

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 24.11.2022 Place course on memo list
PS Developing a Science Center
PS 2

The ability to transfer scientific knowledge to the public

The Science Center MikrobAlpina (www.mikrobalpina.com) has long been planned and is to be opened in Fall 2022. Students of biology shall be connected to students of other faculties to explore the possibilities of transferring biological knowledge to the broader public and strengthening the awareness of people of the interconnectedness of man and microorganisms.

Development of didactic tools

Interest in the transfer of knowledge about microorganisms for the public


Freistätter/Jungwirth, Eine Geschickte der Welt in 100 Mikroorganismen, Hanser Verlag

Interest in the transfer of knowledge about microorganisms for the public

to be announced
Termine werden mit TN abgestimmt, Mikrobalpina/Labor Institut Mikrobiologie