825012 UE Urban Development

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 19.10.2021 Place course on memo list
UE Urban Development
UE 2

Obtain compositoric knowledge about urban development with regards to typological, morphological and formal methodologies.

 The goal of this class is to learn to see and read as an architect, through a weekly series of formal analyses based on Le Corbusier's Œuvre. The analytic drawings should juxtapose and/or differentiate formal strategies across style, site, and program, in order to help students become fluent in the formal organizational structures of architecture and urbanism.

This exercise teaches formal Ideas of architecture and the city, a basic knowledge about formal terminology, organizational structure and form.

The emphasis is on learning how to see and to think architecture and urban design by a method that can be loosely called “formal analysis.” The course studies canonical projects of Le Corbusier, through a series of comparative analyses. The analyses consist of two parts: First, the question of the grid as a formal idea and second, the potential of the figure as a possible new ordering device.

This class is intended to explore formal structures that provide an understanding of the new possibilities of current architectural production.



The exercise calls for a precise work and a willingness to fine detail by the students. Active participation in the weekly reviews at the Institute is essential to discuss occurring issues during the work process with the course instructor.

The drawing reviews will take place from 15:15 to 17:15 on Tuesdays. All drawings must be uploaded on OLAT by 24:00 on Monday nights before the corresponding Tuesday exercise as well as hung up by 14:30 on Tuesdays. Late drawings will not be accepted; see policy on late drawings and absences. 

  - Policy on Late Drawings and Absences:

Two unexcused absences or late drawings during the semester will be grounds for a Low Pass. Any further delinquencies or stop attending the course will be grounds for course failure.

  - Review of Work:

The class will be divided into four groups. Two or three drawings from each group will be critiqued during the drawing review.

While every attempt will be made to review each students’ work at least twice during the course of the analysis, only work which raises subjects related to the problematics of the course will be discussed.



Course examinations according to §7 in the "study-law regulations”of the University of Innsbruck:  course with continuous assessment.

Submission: formal analysis and synthesis drawings of the weekly drawing assignments, as well as a final project by the end of the term. Thus there will be three aspects to your work: assigned drawing, and attendance at the drawing review and instructions each week, as well as the originality the final project raises the subjects related to the problematics of the course. 


Le Corbusier - Œuvre complète

see dates
siehe 825128, VO Morphologie des Städtebaus