825051 EP Design Studio M1
summer semester 2022 | Last update: 31.01.2022 | Place course on memo listArqu. Cintya Eva Sanchez Morales, MSc Arqu. Cintya Eva Sanchez Morales, MSc
Dipl.-Ing. Johanna Elfriede Schmalzl-Moosmann, BSc Dipl.-Ing. Johanna Elfriede Schmalzl-Moosmann, BSc
ao. Univ.-Prof. i. R. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Maria Schneider ao. Univ.-Prof. i. R. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Maria Schneider, +43 512 507 64703
Deepening of the designing and creative skills in urban and architectural design in the context of a research project (Research-led teaching).
Topic: ECOC 2024 (European Capital of Culture 2024)
(European Capital of Culture 2024)
A common course of all architectural, Landscape Architecture and Planning universities in Austria.
The 2024 is closer than we think ...
... and it will be a special one for Austria!
Austria must make this year one of the two European Capitals of Culture, and for the third time.
In 2003, Graz was the 29th European Capital of Culture. In 2009, Linz won the coveted title 38th European Capital of Culture. This was possible because multiple appointments per year were allowed in the different phases again and again and have been standard since 2009. In 2024, Austria has to present again the turn the 72th European Capital of Culture. Is it still interesting to be the 72th European Capital of Culture?
We take this question as an opportunity together with all the architecture and planning Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Planning Universities in Austria to discuss possible scenarios and to develop a wide range of application approaches.
Students form this interdisciplinary and trans-university project team and work on projects which are delivered in the form of an application and should be the first impetus for a public debate.
Basic research, brainstorming, design of the urban concept and the architectural design. Integration into the urban laboratory (platform for information exchange, discussion and research).
Design process and the consequential project. Presentation.