825188 EP Design Studio 2

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 28.02.2022 Place course on memo list
EP Design Studio 2
EP 5
every 2 weeks

Advanced working on architectural concepts. The students can convincingly communicate their designs, present them in detail and position them within the respective theoretical or creative context.


Terraced houses. Initially though as a low-cost mass production model for social housing, it is a typology that has high quality standards for living.

Students will develop a compound of row houses where they can develop architectural output of their new ARTitectural grammar. New mass production models will be considered. Site will be London.

The aim of these course is to set a transdisciplinary methodology that allow us to articulate a formal discourse through architectural metaobjects. If architectural object refers generally to the basic creative output of architects, the prefix meta- sets intrinsic attributes of an object capable to manipulates, creates, describes, or implements new architectural objects, its existence as architecture that legitimize architectural conditions in any form.

This is in parallel with the term “art objects” in use, across aesthetics and philosophy of art, to refer to objects created by artists independent of the artform and without regard to ontological or other discussions where other terms may evoke one or another particular stance.

This parallelism between Art and Architecture in not random because art, modernist art went through a similar period, 100 years ago, in which artist questioned the art object. Marcel Duchamp articulated the idea of Readymades to question what he called “the retinal art”. The consequences of those readymades were the dehumanization of the work of art, the begin of conceptual art to the detriment of style or taste, a shift into the narratives associated to the art piece and the importance of the context.

Departing from a canonical architectural object we will use digital techniques to test morphological and syntactic conditions of art.

We will proceed through de-familiarization techniques using art with the goal of exploring the aesthetics of estrangement in realism and its application in architecture. First point is the questioning of the formal manifestation of the object within the art piece. That will be implemented through techniques of the loss and gain of edge, aggregated self-intersection, odd symmetry and new perspective conditions. The second point asks these new figures to take on material qualities and ornamental articulation that would further the object de-familiarization. The last exercise prompts to take a collection of these objects and begin to alter them in a relation to each other.

Course examination according to § 7, statute section on "study-law regulations".

Will be discussed in the first lesson.

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