825226 PJ Design Studio 2

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 10.02.2022 Place course on memo list
PJ Design Studio 2
PJ 4
each semester

Students are able to master simple design and planning tasks. They are able to analyse a design task, to formulate an architectural programme, to create a spatial concept and to translate it into an architectural design of a high aesthetic level. You are able to develop, present and present a project.


The aim of the studio this year is to design a collection of Synthetic Landscapes of production,TERA-farms.Each project will start from researching real world case studies and specific processes of production within the farming industry. We will deploy advanced remote sensing and AI technologies to learn to “see” the way these industries currently conceptualise the living Biosphere. We will then evolve our own protocols of artificial intelligence to manufacture novel 3D visions and finally navigate them as virtual architectures by means of web based VR/AR platforms. To achieve this goal the studio will engage the notion of Synthetic Landscape at multiple levels. As a design philosophy. As a collection of processes and systems, including human, animal, microbiological and digital. As a strategy for accelerating the transformation of our Urbansphere.

meeting dates will be announced soon!

Architectural tasks for developing and advanced study of the design process and training of the personal creative ability; learning to understand design as a complex decision-making process; integration of design-relevant influencing factors.

Teaching language German and English

Course examination according to § 7, statute section on "study-law regulations".

Will be discussed in the first lesson.


see dates