847326 PJ Entwerfen 2

Sommersemester 2022 | Stand: 13.03.2023 LV auf Merkliste setzen
PJ Entwerfen 2
PJ 4

Play Area. A creative hub for . . .

In the age of web 3, decentralisation, but especially connectivity and community-building, in what is hopefully becoming a post-pandemic world, social media platforms found a way to gather people with shared interests. 

This semester’s studio will look at blurring the boundaries between digital and physical space and imagine possible new typologies for hosting and enhancing this “3rd space” - a space where the digital platforms and locals convene to create. Imagine a new typology - a physical space where people passionate about a subject can meet both physically and digitally in a shared space. 

Our bivalent coexistence poses specific challenges and questions to the way we currently design. How do these spaces overlay? How can we mark the transition from one to another? Do people who only join the virtual part of a space extend over a physically different program of the building? Can we have more reconfigurable spaces? How can we translate servers and channels into lively, interesting physical spaces? Students will develop a new vibrant civic space, considering public/semi-public limitations, and rooms designed for both physical and digital encounters.

Students will work in groups of 3 and each team will pick a core interest to center a mixed community around. It can be anything from fandom, games, hobbies, cooking classes, memes factory, art making, debate forum, makers place, to upcycling in fashion, or more pressing matters. We do however encourage picking a topic which can trigger strong physical components on a programmatic level.

“Imagine a place

Where you can belong to a school club, a gaming group, or a worldwide art community. Where just you and a handful of friends can spend time together. A Place that makes it easy to talk every day and hang out more often.” - Discord

Taught by: 

Alexandra Moisi


Vlad Cuc 


Nina Hütter 


Robby Kraft 


A list of relevant literature will be provided.

Informationen zur Anmeldung zu den Entwerfen Lehrveranstaltungen finden Sie unter: https://www.uibk.ac.at/fakultaeten-servicestelle/standorte/technikerstrasse/studium.html/

Die Entwerfen Themenpräsentationen (PDF's, Links, Videos etc.) werden ab 15.02.  auf der Fakultätswebsite (hier) und im OLAT veröffentlicht.

Die Online-Anmeldung zu den Entwerfen Lehrveranstaltungen findet zw. 01.02. und  bis inkl. 21.02.2022 statt.

Das erste Treffen findet am 09.03.2022 um 9.00 Uhr statt.

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