124245 Online course: Japanese Basic Level II

winter semester 2022/2023 | Last update: 23.05.2022 Place course on memo list
Online course: Japanese Basic Level II
UE 2
each semester


At this level the learner can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic sentences aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type: shopping, visiting somebody, understanding an invitation; can interact in a simple way provided the other person speaks clearly and slowly and is prepared to help.

accommodation and a visit; hobbies and leisure time; in a city; shopping

Linguistic Goals:
to give information about one’s accommodation/ hobbies; to make an appointment; to indicate the way; to express a wish, to express preferences

Structural Goals:
Katakana and Hiragana writing systems and to learn additional Kanji-ideograms; “X ga arimasu”, “X ga imasu” – to describe that something/ someone exists; “X ga suki desu” – to express one’s preferences; adjectives and participles (te-forms) – to describe where someone lives; “tai desu”- to express one’s intention; “mashita” – to talk about past events



interactive language instruction

written and oral
final test (testing of writing, listening and reading comprehension and speaking/dialogues)

Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture, Starter A1- Coursebook for communicative language activities, Katsudo and Rikai, units 7, 8, 11-18
Katsudo: ISBN 978-3-87548-707-7
Rikai: ISBN 978-3-87548-708-4


Knowledge of Hiragana; the learner can introduce him-/herself and others and can provide personal information and interact in a simple way.

see dates
  • SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Group 0
Date Time Location
Wed 2022-10-12
17.15 - 19.00 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Wed 2022-10-19
17.15 - 19.00 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Wed 2022-11-09
17.15 - 19.00 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Wed 2022-11-16
17.15 - 19.00 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Wed 2022-11-23
17.15 - 19.00 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Wed 2022-11-30
17.15 - 19.00 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Wed 2022-12-07
17.15 - 18.45 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Wed 2022-12-14
17.15 - 18.45 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Wed 2023-01-11
17.15 - 18.45 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Wed 2023-01-18
17.15 - 18.45 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Wed 2023-01-25
17.15 - 18.45 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Wed 2023-02-01
17.15 - 18.45 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht