223222 PR Basic Practice: School Teaching and Learning Settings

winter semester 2022/2023 | Last update: 24.10.2022 Place course on memo list
PR Basic Practice: School Teaching and Learning Settings
PR 2

The students gain first insights into the educational contexts of schools. They critically test and reflect on their own role as a teacher. They are able to observe lessons in a focused manner and to plan, to lead and to evaluate teaching sequences.

Dealing with the educational context of schools and one's own role as a teacher; focused observation of lessons, of teaching, elementalization of course contents, planning of learning processes; reflection on practical experiences at schools.

teaching exercises, observations, interactive work

Practical exercises, written preparation and follow-up; practice folder

to be announced

Bachelor's Programme in Catholic Religious Education: Successful completion of compulsory module 15.

Bachelor's Programme in Islamic Religious Education: Positive completion of compulsory module 23 is precondition for the PR Basic Intern-ship School Teaching and Learning Settings.

Additional personal registration at the Institute of Practical Theology is necessary.

Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2022-10-04
18.00 - 19.00 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free Praxiseinteilung und Vorbesprechung
Fri 2022-10-07
16.00 - 18.45 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free
Sat 2022-10-15
09.00 - 11.45 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free
Fri 2022-10-21
16.00 - 18.45 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free
Thu 2022-10-27
14.00 - 17.45 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free
Fri 2022-11-04
16.00 - 18.45 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free