628036 VU Arabic 4
winter semester 2022/2023 | Last update: 10.05.2023 | Place course on memo listThe students should be introduced to the independent handling of technical terms and formulations of classical theological texts.
The last session of this module focuses on reading, understanding and working on complex Islamic theological sources. Based on the examination of some selected classical texts of Islamic theology, these abilities are developed step by step.
Jones Alan: Arabic Through the Qur’an. The Islamic Texts Society 2005
Fischer Wolfdietrich/Jastrow Otto: Lehrgang für die arabische Schriftsprache der Gegenwart. Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag Wiesbaden 1996
Osman Nabil: Usrati Lehrbuch für modernes Arabisch. München 2004
Kristen Brustad/ Mahmoud Al-Batal/Abbas Al-Tonsi (Hrsg.): Alif Baa Introduction to Arabic Letters and Sounds. Georgetown University Press Washington 2010
Kristen Brustad/ Mahmoud Al-Batal/Abbas Al-Tonsi (Hrsg.): Al-Kitaab. Georgetown University Press Washington 2007.
- SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
- SDG 5 - Gender equality: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.