704723 SV Semiconductor Physics
winter semester 2022/2023 | Last update: 19.10.2022 | Place course on memo listUniv.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gregor Weihs
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gregor Weihs, +43 512 507 52550, +43 512 507 20100
SV Semiconductor Physics
SV 2
every 2nd year
At the end of the class students should
- know the most important kinds of semiconductors and their properties,
- be able to apply the mathematical and physical principles of solid state physics to solve problems in semiconductor physics,
- be able to identify the material and structural properties relevant to questions in semiconductor physics and -technology, and
- know the most important numerical and experimental techniques for the modelling and investigation of semiconductors.
The physics of semiconductors is the foundation of most modern digital and optical technologies. Microelectronics, power electronics, optical instrumentation, photovoltaics, and communication technolgy are all built with semiconductors. Base on a prerequisite knowledge of solid state physics we will develop its application to semiconductors.
- Reminder/extension of solid state physics
- Electrons in crystals
- Charge transport
- Semiconductor basics
- Bonds and orbitals
- Band structures
- Mechanical stress
- Optical properties
- Light propagation in media
- Interband transitions
- Excitons
- Polaritons
- Heterostructures
- Foundations and band alignment
- Doped Heterostructures
- Quantum wells
- Quantum dots
- Semiconductor lasers
- Optical emission and amplification
- Heterostructure lasers
Tablet-pc presentation
Written discussion of a scientific article or small programming project.
- Gross & Marx, Solid State Physics, Oldenbourg/DeGruyter
- Grundmann, The Physics of Semiconductors, Springer
- Hamaguchi, Basic Semiconductor Physics, Springer
- Yu & Cardona, Fundamentals of Semiconductors, Springer
Solid-state physics
Preliminary meeting: Tue, October 4, 14:00
Room 01/512 (Technikerstr. 25d)
see dates
Mi. 11:30-14 Uhr, HS-Vorb. 01/110