710708 PR Experimental investigation of phase transitions

winter semester 2022/2023 | Last update: 13.01.2023 Place course on memo list
PR Experimental investigation of phase transitions
PR 2

The students deepen their knowledge of thermodynamics and learn to apply it to materials. They understand kinetic processes and the theory of phase transitions. The students know the experimental methodology for the characterization of phase transitions.

Determination of latent heats, heat capacity, expansion coefficient, compressibility, critical phenomena, Solid-solid transitions, PVT analysis of fluid inclusions, thermal analytical method, dilatometry Kofler-Microscopy, Hochtemperaturdiffraktion and Raman spectroscopy, high-pressure diffraction and spectroscopy

practical course


Will be discussed in the first lesson.

Informations about the schedule of this Lab-course will be given in lecture 710903 "Theorie amorpher Materialien".

to be agreed on
n. Vereinb., n. Vereinb.
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