725103 VO Data Analysis and Chemometrics

winter semester 2022/2023 | Last update: 13.07.2023 Place course on memo list
VO Data Analysis and Chemometrics
VO 1
Basic knowledge of data analysis and chemometric methods Application of simple data analysis tools
Basics of statistics: mean, standard deviation, confidence interval, normal distribution, student t distribution hypothesis tests: outlier test, comparison of means (t-test) and variances (F-test) linear regression: uncertainty of regression, prediction interval, limit concentrations Design of Experiments: ANOVA, factorial designs multivariate data analysis: PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
Lecture with examples

Skoog, West, Holler; Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Kap. 2 + 3

D. McCormick, A. Roach; Measurement, Statistics and Computation, Analytical Chemistry by Open Learning

W. Gottwald; Statistik für Anwender, VCH

L. Fahrmeir, R. Künstler, I. Pigeot, G. Trutz; Statistik - Der Weg zur Datenanalyse, Springer

M.R. Spiegel, L.J. Stephens; Statistik, mitp-Verlag

K. Danzer, H. Hobert, C. Fischbacher, K.U. Jagemann; Chemometrik, Springer

W. Köhler, G. Schachtel, P. Voleske; Biostatistik, Springer

K.R. Beebe, R.J. Pell, M.B. Seasholtz; Chemometrics – A Practical Guide, Wiley

H. Martens, M. Martens; Multivariate Analysis of Quality, Wiley

R.G. Brereton; Chemometrics – Data Analysis for the Laboratory and Chemical Plant, Wiley

Registration via LFU:online required!

Group 0
Date Time Location
Mon 2023-01-09
14.00 - 15.30 L.EG.200 L.EG.200 Barrier-free
Thu 2023-01-12
18.00 - 20.00 L.EG.220 L.EG.220 Tutorium
Fri 2023-01-13
14.00 - 15.30 L.EG.200 L.EG.200 Barrier-free
Mon 2023-01-16
14.00 - 15.30 L.EG.200 L.EG.200 Barrier-free
Tue 2023-01-17
18.00 - 20.00 L.EG.220 L.EG.220 Tutorium
Thu 2023-01-19
18.00 - 20.00 L.EG.220 L.EG.220 Tutorium
Fri 2023-01-20
14.00 - 15.30 L.EG.200 L.EG.200 Barrier-free
Mon 2023-01-23
14.00 - 15.30 L.EG.200 L.EG.200 Barrier-free
Tue 2023-01-24
18.00 - 20.00 L.EG.220 L.EG.220 Tutorium
Thu 2023-01-26
18.00 - 20.00 L.EG.220 L.EG.220 Tutorium
Fri 2023-01-27
14.00 - 15.30 L.EG.200 L.EG.200 Barrier-free
Mon 2023-01-30
14.00 - 15.30 L.EG.200 L.EG.200 Barrier-free
Tue 2023-01-31
18.00 - 20.00 L.EG.220 L.EG.220 Tutorium
Thu 2023-02-02
18.00 - 20.00 L.EG.220 L.EG.220 Tutorium
Fri 2023-02-03
14.00 - 15.30 L.EG.200 L.EG.200 Barrier-free
Tue 2023-03-07
11.45 - 13.00 L.EG.200 L.EG.200 Barrier-free 1. Prüfungstermin
Tue 2023-06-06
11.30 - 13.00 L.EG.220 L.EG.220 2. Prüfungstermin
Thu 2023-09-28
13.00 - 14.30 L.EG.220 L.EG.220 3. Prüfungstermin