800644 VU Intercultural communication

winter semester 2022/2023 | Last update: 07.06.2022 Place course on memo list
VU Intercultural communication
VU 4

The aim of this course is to enable the students to both define culture and understand its meaning on a micro- and macro-level within the realm of both intercultural communication and its multilingual frame. The students will be asked to reflect upon their own perceptions of culture and multilingualism will also be provided with new insights regarding intercultural and multilingual communication from a theoretical background and in practice. Therefore, this course can also be used as an excellent preparation for the study periods abroad.

In the globalised world, intercultural communication and multilingualism form the most vital part of every contemporary society. Even though the dynamics of communication and language processing are ever-changing, a culture is always based on fixed systemic factors (such as e.g. social, communicational, and moral/ethic rules, etc.).

This course aims at providing its participants with new insights using the resources of intercultural and multilingualism research and theory in order to open new horizons both for Erasmus and native Austrian students. What will be strived for in this course is to apply the theoretical knowledge in practice, thus opening our horizons and widening our awareness on different cognitive and other levels.

Blended learning: online assignments (OLAT), compulsory classes, group work, and presentation.

Presentation and final paper

Jandt, F. E. (2017). An Introduction to Intercultural Communication: Identities in a Global Community. Sage Publications.

Nguyen-Phuong, M. (2019) Intercultural Communication. Interdisciplinary Approach. Amsterdam University Press

Joseph Shaules (2007) Deep Culture: The Hidden Challenges of Global Living


Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2022-10-11
12.00 - 13.45 SR I (Theologie) SR I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Tue 2022-10-18
12.00 - 13.45 SR I (Theologie) SR I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Tue 2022-11-15
12.00 - 13.45 SR I (Theologie) SR I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Tue 2022-12-13
12.00 - 13.45 SR I (Theologie) SR I (Theologie) Barrier-free