621144 UE Fighting: Thaiboxing
summer semester 2023 | Last update: 16.12.2022 | Place course on memo listThe aim of this course is to get to know and analyze technical and tactical possibilities for action in thaiboxing from their scientific side. In addition, the participants are to acquire their repertoire of experience in dealing with their own resources in combat sports, and to expand their athletic performance level. The participants should experience and understand the martial arts Thaiboxing as a form of cultured fighting through partnership, responsible and fair action. Furthermore Learn students:
- to reflect and improve their own attack and defense behavior through their own action in the partnership structure and the observation of the combat behavior of their partners
- consideration of gender and inclusion-specific aspects
- critical reflection of health effects
- Knowledge of measures to prevent injuries
-Various technical and tactical possibilities for action in the Thaiboxen are learned and tested.
-An overview of the broad spectrum of this form of movement culture (Thaiboxen), and the theoretical and practical foundations of the Thaiboxing are worked out together with practical exercises.
practical course
active class participation, projects
Will be discussed in the first lesson.