825102 SE Advanced Urban Design and Interdisciplinarity

summer semester 2023 | Last update: 08.03.2023 Place course on memo list
SE Advanced Urban Design and Interdisciplinarity
SE 2

The students gain in-depth insights into special perspectives and working techniques of the various topics within the architecture and set individual emphases.

The task of the interdisciplinary deepening of urban planning is the deepening of the discipline of urban planning in relation to another discipline. The transfer of knowledge to be achieved in the specialization is to convey an interdisciplinary understanding of the city and its architecture. The disciplines that can be used for this are philosophy, aesthetics, history, biology, physics, cultural studies, economics, sociology and psychology. These positions are built on scientific, philosophical or cultural elevator topics

Course examination according to § 7, statute section on "study-law regulations".

Will be discussed in the first lesson.

first meeting: 14.03.2023 um 09:30 a.m. at institute of urban design, meetings always on Tuesdays

  • SDG 11 - Sustainable cities and communities: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
  • SDG 15 - Life on land: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.