922334 Practical Piano 01

summer semester 2023 | Last update: 09.11.2022 Place course on memo list
E This course is offered as part of a joint study programme by another educational institution

(University Mozarteum Salzburg)
Practical Piano 01
KE 1
- Rapid musical comprehension and manual facility - Knowledge of styles especially in the Pop/Jazz field - Secure and authoritative in practical teaching demonstrations - Autodidactic competence - The basic abilities to comprehend advanced lectures (esp. Jazz/Pop)
Making apparent, defining and developing the practical teaching abilities with special consideration to the individual´s innate manual and auditory-cognitve skills: - Encouraging developement in the auditory-cognitve area - Combining theoretical and manual skills - Accompaning himself and other singers - Developing the individual´s pianistic skills to include varying styles of accompanying - Transposing, sightreading, improvising and arranging Practical skills in live performance (Internal recitals, teaching demonstrations in the schoolroom...)