103824 SE Research Workshop: The Unconscious in Education and Culture: Psychoanalysis & Game Studies

winter semester 2023/2024 | Last update: 02.10.2023 Place course on memo list
SE Research Workshop: The Unconscious in Education and Culture: Psychoanalysis & Game Studies
SE 2
every 2 weeks

Students ...

 are able to deal in depth with scientific findings from the research field of psychoanalysis & game studies.

 are able to research and receive literature on selected issues from the research field.

 know different research methods. 

 know quality criteria of research designs.

 can develop questions in the interdisciplinary research field of psychoanalysis & game studies.

 can develop a research design for an exemplary research question.

Psychoanalytic & psychoanalytic pedagogical perspectives on the act of digital gaming. Research methods & drafting research designs

research-oriented, reading-based seminar

participation-based, continous assessment; 

assessment details: discussion contributions, readings, short presentations, reflective pieces of writing, drafting a research design.

Will be announced at the beginnning of the seminar. 

see dates