223370 SL Introduction to Scientific Working

winter semester 2023/2024 | Last update: 27.03.2024 Place course on memo list
SL Introduction to Scientific Working
SL 1
each semester

Competence in the formal design of scientific work
Knowledge of literature research; Basic Knowledge of working with "citavi"
Knowledge in creating styles using MS-Word

Formal design of scientific papers;
the process of writing scientific papers;
dealing with scientific literature and libraries;
literature research;
correct citation;
presentation of relevant encyclopedias, theological and philosophical standard works and journals as well as source works

The content of the course is predominantly developed via the learning platform OLAT by means of the materials and work assignments deposited there. In 3 attendance units, students will be introduced to the use of the Faculty Library of Theology (library tour) and to the possibilities of word processing MS Word and the knowledge organization program Citavi for the preparation of scientific papers (concrete work on the PC).

So there are only 4 attendance units in total with the preliminary meeting.

Written examination

Toolscriptum (accessible via OLAT);
Alber Raffelt, Theologie studieren.
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Medienkunde. Freiburg 2003.

Dina El Omari / Daniel Roters, Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (Studienreihe Islamische Theologie 6). Freiburg 2019.


Attention: blended learning course!

The course consists of 4 attendance units including the opening session.

The attendance dates for the library tour and the 2 EDP units will be arranged in the 1st session!

The main part of the course will be conducted via the learning platform OLAT.

  • SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.