720470 SE Seminar on basic- and practice deepening: Presentation exercises and literature work in ageing neuroscience research

winter semester 2023/2024 | Last update: 02.10.2023 Place course on memo list
SE Seminar on basic- and practice deepening: Presentation exercises and literature work in ageing neuroscience research
SE 2
each semester

We try to find out what it is that makes some older adults become 'super agers', that is, not losing their cognitive abilites even in old age. Practising presentations techniques.  

We all know that cognitive abilities change over the lifespan, which typically increase towards adulthood and decline in ageing. However, another well known phenomenon in ageing is that there are large interindividual differences in cognitive abilities with some older adults - so called 'super agers' - maintaining a cognitive level typical for 20 year olds. We try to understand which factors in the brain and in lifestyle might be crucial for allowing people to be 'super agers', and how we might strive to become super agers ourselves. In working through and presenting relevant scientific literature repeatedly, we will also hone our presentation skills.  

Reading, presenting and discussing (also english) research articles. 

participation during the seminar, presentation in the seminar

will be announced

see dates