222914 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students: Dramatic Theology - Conception and Application

summer semester 2024 | Last update: 19.03.2024 Place course on memo list
SE Seminar for Doctoral Students: Dramatic Theology - Conception and Application
SE 2

Students have intimate knowledge about the approach of Dramatic Theology and its applications so far; the have the ability to use this approach themselves and address new problems with it.

R. Schwager and others developed the Innsbruck version of Dramatic Theology; its most important  application was to gain a consistent interpretation of the biblical narratives of the life of Jesus of Nazaret and its salvific importance; later it was applied to different theological problems and analyzed methodologically. This will be related in the seminar and from this the ability to use this approach for new question will be developed.

Readings, discussion, written essay.


Schwager, Raymund: Jesus in the Drama of Salvation: Toward a Biblical Doctrine of Redemption. (German: Jesus im Heilsdrama. Entwurf einer biblischen Erlösungslehre). Übers.: Williams, James G. / Haddon, Paul. New York 1999.

