402506 SE Politics and Gender

summer semester 2024 | Last update: 12.02.2024 Place course on memo list
SE Politics and Gender
SE 2

Students have a solid understanding of the key currents in gender studies in political science and are able to analyse the interdependence of gender and other categories – such as ethnicity, class, sexuality – with consideration of historical developments and the potential for change. Students can critically examine various types of political theories and empirical research in terms of their explicit and implicit gender norms. They can independently evaluate political strategies and gender policy in national, European and international contexts. 

The seminar deals with current phenomena of right-wing populism and authoritarian tendencies and asks about the meaning and strategic use of gender in right-wing populist parties. From a gender perspective, right-wing populism can be examined and critically questioned in a variety of ways: first at the level of politicians, by examining their gender performance, for example with a view to the staging of political masculinity(s) by female actors. Then at the level of their demands and policy content, for example when the protection of women from sexual violence is demanded, but the threat is seen exclusively from the (Muslim) others. It is important to recognize processes of “othering” and to ask about the feminist nationalist use of gender issues in political discourse. Finally, with regard to voters, we can ask about the ideological and material contexts that make them receptive to right-wing populist identity and affect politics. These ultimately indicate a possible change in political culture or the hegemonic understanding of democracy. In the seminar we want to examine some of these connections between gender and populism using selected topics such as migration, women* in right-wing parties, anti-gender mobilization or masculinist identity politics with regard to current threats to democracy

Text readings, discussion, presentation, written work

Mandatory and written contributions

Will be announced in the seminar.


see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Fri 2024-03-15
09.45 - 15.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Fri 2024-04-26
09.45 - 16.45 HS 1 (Sowi) HS 1 (Sowi) Barrier-free
Sat 2024-04-27
09.45 - 15.00 HS 1 (Sowi) HS 1 (Sowi) Barrier-free
Fri 2024-05-24
09.45 - 16.45 HS 2 (Sowi) HS 2 (Sowi) Barrier-free