720282 SE Clinical psychological intervention: Systemic therapy
summer semester 2024 | Last update: 09.11.2023 | Place course on memo listIn this seminar the students get to know the theoretical basic assumptions of systemic thinking.
Systemic therapy is a treatment which investigates the relationships between persons and themselves and in addition to the environment via the relational system (such as family). Regarding this, systemic interventions will be conducted. Difficulties, problems or symptoms of persons will not be focused in an individualized way, but considered as a part of a larger and complex social context. In this seminar the systemic premises of emergence, maintenance and modification of human relational systems will be presented. Moreover therapeutic methods, possibilities and limitations will be imparted.
On the basis of practical exercises the students get to know methods of systemic therapy. Video and roleplaying demonstrations illustrate the systemic composition of therapeutic processes.
seminar paper
to be announced
- SDG 3 - Good health and well-being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
- SDG 5 - Gender equality: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
- SDG 10 - Reducing inequalities: Reduce income inequality within and among countries.