846618 SE Interdisciplinary Aspects of Fire Protection

summer semester 2024 | Last update: 22.05.2024 Place course on memo list
SE Interdisciplinary Aspects of Fire Protection
SE 2

Basic understanding of the protection objectives and application to the structural, organizational and system-technical fire protection in buildings.

Requirements of the structural and organizational fire protection (OIB 2, TRVB's, state regulations, etc.) Development of fire protection concepts and assess their impact on the project and construction planning; Training on sample projects;

Fundamentals and examples on plant-specific fire protection, fire protection in ventilation systems with heat recovery

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Thu 2024-04-11
17.15 - 20.15 HSB 8 HSB 8 Barrier-free
Tue 2024-04-16
17.15 - 19.15 HSB 8 HSB 8 Barrier-free
Fri 2024-04-19
13.00 - 18.00 HSB 1 HSB 1 Barrier-free
Tue 2024-04-23
17.15 - 20.15 HSB 8 HSB 8 Barrier-free
Tue 2024-04-30
17.15 - 19.15 HSB 8 HSB 8 Barrier-free
Thu 2024-05-02
17.15 - 19.15 HSB 8 HSB 8 Barrier-free
Thu 2024-05-09
17.15 - 18.45 HSB 8 HSB 8 Barrier-free
Thu 2024-05-16
17.15 - 19.15 HSB 8 HSB 8 Barrier-free Korrektur
Tue 2024-05-21
17.00 - 19.30 HSB 8 HSB 8 Barrier-free
Tue 2024-06-04
17.15 - 18.45 HSB 8 HSB 8 Barrier-free
Thu 2024-06-13
17.15 - 21.15 HSB 8 HSB 8 Barrier-free Posterpräsentation und Kolloquium