408001 VO Sociological Perspectives and Approaches 1: Introduction to Sociology

winter semester 2024/2025 | Last update: 28.01.2025 Place course on memo list
VO Sociological Perspectives and Approaches 1: Introduction to Sociology
VO 2
each semester

Curr. 2021 § 5 (1) 1: Students learn to take up the sociological perspective. They acquire the ability to explain the theories and history of sociology as the science that analyses social action multidimensional, i.e. not limited to one section of human coexistence such as economy, politics or science. They can scientifically, i.e. theoretically, analyse current social, cultural, economic and political developments and evaluate them critically using current examples of social actors, institutions and processes.

Sociology deals with human interaction in a profound way. Rather than focusing on specific sectors or fields exclusively, e.g. economy or politics, sociologists explore society in its entirety. How does society evolve? How are personal identities created? How do globalization and digitalization change work environments? And how do they impact on our particular region? Why do people vote for extremist (or other) parties? Do we live in an information society? How do new cultural forms emerge? And what are megacities? Is there inequality, and of which kind?

While we all have some ideas of how to answer these questions from our everyday experience, sociology addresses them from a distinct perspective that draws on both theory and empirical methods.

The lecture offers an elementary introduction into the sociological approach to human interaction. Students become acquainted with sociological thinking, and they learn to explore everyday situations as well as exemplary societal, political and cultural processes from a sociological perspective.

Lecture with discussion and exercises; independent study of literature; Tutorial

will be announced at the beginning of the semester

Berger, Peter L./Luckmann, Thomas (1999 [1966]): Die gesellschaftliche Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer.

Nassehi, Armin (2008): Soziologie. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.


The lecture contains interactive components. Due to COVID-19-regulations, it will be held both in form of physical presence in the Aula and "live" via digital media (more detailed information will follow). Active participation is possible via physical and virtual presence. Aditionally, a record of the lecture will be available.

Presumably, about 35 persons will be able to participate in the Aula. Therefore, students will be sorted into groups, and groups will have access to the aula alternately.

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2024-10-08
11.30 - 13.00 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free
Thu 2024-10-10
11.30 - 13.00 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free
Tue 2024-10-15
11.30 - 13.00 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free
Thu 2024-10-17
11.30 - 13.00 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free
Tue 2024-10-22
11.30 - 13.00 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free
Thu 2024-10-24
11.30 - 13.00 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free
Tue 2024-10-29
11.30 - 13.00 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free
Thu 2024-10-31
11.30 - 13.00 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free
Tue 2024-11-05
11.30 - 13.00 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free
Thu 2024-11-07
11.30 - 13.00 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free
Tue 2024-11-12
11.30 - 13.00 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free
Thu 2024-11-14
11.30 - 13.00 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free
Tue 2024-11-19
11.30 - 13.00 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free 1. Prüfungstermin
Wed 2025-01-08
15.00 - 16.30 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free 2. Prüfungstermin
Wed 2025-01-29
15.00 - 16.30 Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) Barrier-free 3. Prüfungstermin
Group Booking period Date of exam
408001-0 2024-09-01 00:00 - 2025-01-22 23:59
Mahlert B.
408001-0 2024-12-18 00:00 - 2025-01-01 23:59
Mahlert B.
408001-0 2025-01-08 00:00 - 2025-01-22 23:59
Mahlert B.