418640 VU Writing for Media Practice and Communication Training

winter semester 2024/2025 | Last update: 21.05.2024 Place course on memo list
VU Writing for Media Practice and Communication Training
VU 2
each semester

Graduates know different writing techniques and can use them appropriately. In addition, they have specific knowledge in a current area of media practice (e.g. in the field of methods of visual  communication, political communication or knowledge and scientific communication.

Imparting knowledge of different forms and techniques of writing for the various  media  formats  and  their  application,  also  in  the  form  of communication training.

The graduates have knowledge of different forms and techniques of writing for the various media formats and their application. This includes writing techniques for print media, for audio and visual productions. In the context of communication training, interview techniques are learned and forms of presentation are tried out. The students are aware of the increasing expectations of the public and know how to work out messages and to convey them in a media-fair way within the framework of a communication training.


Participation and assignment with practical reference

Will be announced in time on OLAT

"Active master's programme"

The minor “Media Practice” covering 30 ECTS-Credits can be selected by degree students of Master’s programmes at the University of Innsbruck, providing the relevant curriculum allows for the option to pass a minor.

see dates
Group Booking period
418640-0 2024-09-01 08:00 - 2024-09-21 23:59 Book course
Mayer S.