720513 SE Research Seminar I

winter semester 2024/2025 | Last update: 01.10.2024 Place course on memo list
SE Research Seminar I
SE 2

Getting to know current research findings and analysis methods for cognitive tests and eyetracking data (i.e. pupil dilation data and eye movement data). Insights into useful applications of these methods in cognitive and clinical contexts. Preparation of study designs and written thesis. 

We will study cognitive and physiological measures (most importantly those can be acquired with so-called ‚eyetracking cameras’, so eye movements and pupil dilations). Together we will try to understand what these measures can tell us about physiological processes in the brain, as well as emotional and cognitive functions. We will also try to identify useful applications for these measures in clinical contexts. 

Research projects will be given (in coordination with individual students).  

Reading and presenting research articles, summarizing together our insights from the literature work.

participation during the seminar, presentation in the seminar, research proposal

will be announced

see dates