743428 UE Specialised Topics in Biology I

winter semester 2024/2025 | Last update: 12.11.2024 Place course on memo list
UE Specialised Topics in Biology I
UE 3

“Stream ecosystem study”. Experience in handling a selected range of methods to study the physical template of rivers, water chemistry, biological communities and ecosystem functions. Ability to collect and analyze data from a comparative ecosystem-ecological study.

The course is essentially a comparative ecosystem study comparing two contrasting streams with regard to pools (or stocks), rates and fluxes associated with major ecosystem compartments. We will start with two days of field work dedicated to describing the physical template (hydrology, sedimentology, habitat classification), in-situ water chemistry with sondes and water sampling including gases, and in-situ assessment and sampling of biological communities (algae, bacteria, invertebrates). Following laboratory days are dedicated to measurements of abundance and biomass of algae, bacteria, fungi and invertebrates, estimation of (secondary) productivity and respiration, and computation of ecosystem-scale metabolism. The course aims at a whole-ecosystem assessment, using simple methods to create an integrated understanding of stream ecosystems at the cost of in-depth methodological understanding.

2-day field course followed by several lab days, short lectures.

Presence, activity, written report.

Course handouts. Richard Hauer & Gary Lamberti, Methods in Stream Ecology.

Compulsory module 10: Ecology I, recommended compulsory module 14: Ecology II, recommended combination with VO 743427.

Semester introduction for all students in the Bachelor Elective-Modules: 01.10.2024, starting 17:00 in HS B/Technik.

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Fri 2024-10-04
08.00 - 10.00 HS G (Technik) HS G (Technik) Barrier-free Vorbesprechung
Mon 2024-10-07
09.00 - 18.00 Freiland Freiland
Tue 2024-10-08
08.00 - 12.00 Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Barrier-free
Wed 2024-10-09
08.00 - 12.00 Praktikumsraum Biol. Praktikumsraum Biol. Barrier-free
Thu 2024-10-10
08.00 - 12.00 Praktikumsraum Biol. Praktikumsraum Biol. Barrier-free
Fri 2024-10-11
08.00 - 12.00 Praktikumsraum Biol. Praktikumsraum Biol. Barrier-free
Fri 2024-10-11
13.45 - 16.45 Praktikumsraum Biologie (5. Stock) Praktikumsraum Biologie (5. Stock) Barrier-free
Mon 2024-10-14
08.00 - 12.00 Praktikumsraum Biol. Praktikumsraum Biol. Barrier-free
Wed 2024-11-06
09.00 - 12.00 Praktikumsraum Biologie (5. Stock) Praktikumsraum Biologie (5. Stock) Barrier-free