800704 SE #Design.2030: Create a better world!

winter semester 2024/2025 | Last update: 22.05.2024 Place course on memo list
SE #Design.2030: Create a better world!
SE 3


- know and understand the human and planet centred (service) design thinking mindset/approach, procedure and tools and are capable to transfer the knowledge to meet challenges with regard to sustainabe development in the context of their studies, professional life, education

- know the variety of methods and tools and are able to situatively select and apply them as well as critically reflect on the possible impact

- implement a project with regard to the Sustainable Development Goals

-strenghten their key sustainability competencies and reflect their role as actors on behalf of sustainable developmet.

Basics about Sustainable Development, the Sustainable Development Goals

Introduction to (Service) Design Thinking as an innovative human centered approach: theory and practical application: mindset, process (empathize - define - ideate - prototype - test), tools, methods.

Implementation of a concrete project with regard to the Sustainable Development Goals, in teams.

Learning Loop: Reflection on content, process and impact and on the transfer regarding an active social participation in the context of sustainable development and the future professional practice in the fields of education, business, public sector, science, NPOs, NGOs, voluntary work etc.

keynotes, group works, research, persona, journey mapping, stakeholder and system mapping, ideation and decision findings methods, prototyping, panels, station operation, world café, participatory observation, learning diary, (online-)facilitation

active participation at all stages, research, implementation of a real-life project, presentation and documentation, reflection report on the own learning process

O’Neill, D. W., Fanning, A. L., Lamb, W. F., &

Steinberger, J. K. (2018). A good life for all within

planetary boundaries. Nature sustainability, 1(2),


Poleac, D. (2022, May). Responsive Design

Thinking: Transitioning from Human-Centered to

a Planetary-Centric Approach to Innovation.

Principles and Perspectives. In International

Conference on Modern Trends in Business

Hospitality and Tourism (pp. 1-13). Cham:

Springer International Publishing.

Raworth, K. (2017). A Doughnut for the

Anthropocene: humanity's compass in the 21st

century. The lancet planetary health, 1(2), e48-


Stickdorn, M., Hormess, M. E., Lawrence, A., &

Schneider, J. (2018). This is service design doing:

applying service design thinking in the real world.

" O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Tironi, M., Albornoz, C., & Chilet, M. (2022).

Problematizing Human-Centred Design: Notes

on Planet-Oriented Design. Diid Disegno

Industriale Industrial Design, (77).

Uhl-Hädicke, I. (2022). Warum machen wir es

nicht einfach?: Die Psychologie der Klimakrise.


Vignoli, M., Roversi, S., Jatwani, C., & Tiriduzzi, M.

(2021). Human and planet centered approach:

Prosperity thinking in action. Proceedings of the

Design Society, 1, 1797-1806.

Further literature depending on the selected

topics. during the seminar.

notes on the SDGs (below): In the seminar, the participants deal with selected SDGs, develop concrete ideas for solving a challenge related to their living environment and implement a solution within the framework of a project. The students decide which SDGs to choose - in principle, all are possible. External partners will be involved.

to be announced
Group 0
Date Time Location
Fri 2024-10-11
13.00 - 17.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online Einstieg
Fri 2024-11-08
09.00 - 17.00 60408 SR 60408 SR Barrier-free
Sat 2024-11-09
09.00 - 16.00 60408 SR 60408 SR Barrier-free
Fri 2025-01-10
14.00 - 18.00 60408 SR 60408 SR Barrier-free
Sat 2025-01-11
09.00 - 12.00 60408 SR 60408 SR Barrier-free
Group Booking period
800704-0 2024-09-01 00:00 - 2024-09-21 23:59 Book course
Hormeß E., Mayr H.