800902 SE Academic Literacy: Writing, Publishing, Collaborating
winter semester 2024/2025 | Last update: 06.12.2024 | Place course on memo list800902
SE Academic Literacy: Writing, Publishing, Collaborating
SE 2
- Reflecting the principles of the scholarly ecosystem
- workflow of research projects
- Understanding the functions and structures of scholarly texts
- Knowing the differences between cultures of scholarly communication
- Understanding the framework of scholarly publishing
- Acquiring know-how for publication projects
- Promoting research
- Improving productivity and quality
Basics: The academic research cycle; Publishing strategies; Publications ethics;Bibliometrics, Impact Academic Englis
Publication process: Journal Selection; Preparing and submitting the manuscript; Peer review
Promoting your article
Other topics: Grants proposals, Conference talk Correspondence
The aim of the seminar is
1) to make implicit knowledge explicit and available to participants;
2) new knowledge and skills will be presented and applied.
Methods include presentations, reflections, discussions, and exercises, ''Q&A", informal knowledge sharing. Participants will do homework between block 1 and 2 of the seminar (writing diary)
45 min writing sessions (goalsetting and reflection) and feedback groups will be included.
see dates
- Interdisciplinary and additional courses
- SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.