846611 SE Sustainable Project Planning and Smart Design

winter semester 2024/2025 | Last update: 26.09.2024 Place course on memo list
SE Sustainable Project Planning and Smart Design
SE 2
every 2 weeks
  • Acquisition of knowledge of sustainability in planning, design and construction
  • gain understanding of smart building concepts
  • knowledge of certification systems, national/international
  • competence in design assessment according to criteria of sustainability

Smart design - interaction between object structures, people and environment; Requirements for integral and holistic sustainability concepts, LCC calculation, building certification, variance studies, Profitability and LCC aspects; 

reviews of existing design in terms of their sustainability criteria are foreseen

Team work, presentations of participants, interactive discussion

attendance > 90%, final colloquium

to be presented during lessons

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Thu 2024-10-10
12.00 - 15.15 HSB 9 HSB 9 Barrier-free
Thu 2024-10-17
12.00 - 15.15 HSB 9 HSB 9 Barrier-free
Thu 2024-10-24
12.00 - 15.15 HSB 9 HSB 9 Barrier-free
Thu 2024-11-14
12.00 - 15.15 HSB 9 HSB 9 Barrier-free
Thu 2024-11-28
12.00 - 15.15 HSB 9 HSB 9 Barrier-free
Thu 2025-01-16
12.00 - 15.15 HSB 9 HSB 9 Barrier-free
Thu 2025-01-30
12.00 - 15.15 HSB 9 HSB 9 Barrier-free