Go to the superordinate section
ANTH 1010 - Peoples of the World (SE / 3h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Susanne, UNO-IBK International Summer School Falgout
Susanne, UNO-IBK International Summer School Falgout
ANTH 2052 - Cultural Anthropology (SE / 3h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Susanne, UNO-IBK International Summer School Falgout
Susanne, UNO-IBK International Summer School Falgout
ANTH 3090 - Anthropology of the Roma (Gypsy) Peoples (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Christina Joseph UNO-IBK International Summer School
Christina Joseph UNO-IBK International Summer School
BA 3010 - The Legal Environment of Business (SE / 3h / 5 ECTS-AP)
UNO-IBK International Summer School, Groome Sanda
UNO-IBK International Summer School, Groome Sanda
BA 3021 - Business Law (SE / 3h / 5 ECTS-AP)
UNO-IBK International Summer School, Groome Sanda
UNO-IBK International Summer School, Groome Sanda
ECON 2221 - Money and Banking (SE / 3h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Roy Franc, UNO-IBK International Summer School Baas
Roy Franc, UNO-IBK International Summer School Baas
EES 1002 - Introduction to Environmental Science (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Achim Dirk Herrmann
Achim Dirk Herrmann
EES 2096 - Alpine Geology (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Achim Dirk Herrmann
Achim Dirk Herrmann
ENGL 2090 - Innocents Abroad: Americans in Europe (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Carl, UNO-IBK International Summer School Malmgren
Carl, UNO-IBK International Summer School Malmgren
FA 1010 - Art Appreciation (SE / 3h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Anna, UNO-IBK International Summer School Schuleit Haber
Anna, UNO-IBK International Summer School Schuleit Haber
FA 1060 - Drawing I (SE / 3h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Zuzka, UNO-IBK International Summer School Vaclavik
Zuzka, UNO-IBK International Summer School Vaclavik
FA 2202 - Art History Survey II (SE / 3h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Zuzka, UNO-IBK International Summer School Vaclavik
Zuzka, UNO-IBK International Summer School Vaclavik
JOUR 2790 - Travel Writing (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Anandam Kavoori UNO-IBK International Summer School
Anandam Kavoori UNO-IBK International Summer School
FIN 3301 - Small Business Finance (SE / 3h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Roy Franc, UNO-IBK International Summer School Baas
Roy Franc, UNO-IBK International Summer School Baas
FTA 2090-92 - International Communications (SE / 3h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Anandam Kavoori UNO-IBK International Summer School
Anandam Kavoori UNO-IBK International Summer School
FTA 3090 - Cinematic Storytelling with your Smartphone or Photo Camera (SE / 3h / 4 ECTS-AP)
László Zsolt, UNO-IBK International Summer School Fülöp
László Zsolt, UNO-IBK International Summer School Fülöp
FTA 4096 - WWII and the Holocaust in Central-European Cinema (SE / 3h / 5 ECTS-AP)
László Zsolt, UNO-IBK International Summer School Fülöp
László Zsolt, UNO-IBK International Summer School Fülöp
HIST 4346 - Postwar Europe (SE / 3h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Brian Drake UNO-IBK International Summer School
Brian Drake UNO-IBK International Summer School
HIST 2000 - Environmental History (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Brian Drake UNO-IBK International Summer School
Brian Drake UNO-IBK International Summer School
HIST 2991.1 - Nazi Germany and the Second World War (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Alexander, UNO-IBK International Summer School Lassner
Alexander, UNO-IBK International Summer School Lassner
HIST 2991.2 - Genocide and Holocaust (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Philipp Lehar
Philipp Lehar
HIST 4003 - Modern Military History (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Alexander, UNO-IBK International Summer School Lassner
Alexander, UNO-IBK International Summer School Lassner
HIST 4373 - Game of Thrones: Habsburg History (SE / 3h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Mark, UNO-IBK International Summer School Kuss
Mark, UNO-IBK International Summer School Kuss
MANG 3401.1 - Introduction to Management & Organizational Behavior (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Robert Brown UNO-IBK International Summer School
Robert Brown UNO-IBK International Summer School
MANG 3401.2 - Introduction to Management & Organizational Behavior (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Jaime Carreras
Jaime Carreras
MANG 3401.3 - Introduction to Management & Organizational Behavior (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Robert Brown UNO-IBK International Summer School
Robert Brown UNO-IBK International Summer School
HUMS 2090 - Contemporary Art and Popular Music in Austria (SE / 3h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Yotam Haber, Anna, UNO-IBK International Summer School Schuleit Haber
Yotam Haber, Anna, UNO-IBK International Summer School Schuleit Haber
MANG 4446 - International Management (SE / 3h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Alexander Anton Plaikner
Alexander Anton Plaikner
MKT 3501.1 - Principles of Marketing (SE / 3h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Jaime Carreras
Jaime Carreras
MKT 3501.2 - Principles of Marketing (SE / 3h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Troy, UNO-IBK International Summer School Festervand
Troy, UNO-IBK International Summer School Festervand
MKT 3501.3 - Principles of Marketing (SE / 3h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Troy, UNO-IBK International Summer School Festervand
Troy, UNO-IBK International Summer School Festervand
ITAL 1001 - Basic Italian I (SE / 3h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Barbara Cooper UNO-IBK International Summer School
Barbara Cooper UNO-IBK International Summer School
PSYC 2091 - Drugs and Behavior: Biological, Contextual, Cultural Factors (SE / 3h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Matthew, UNO-IBK International Summer School Scalco
Matthew, UNO-IBK International Summer School Scalco
POLI 1010 - Contemporary Issues of Politics (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Brett, UNO-IBK International Summer School Netto
Brett, UNO-IBK International Summer School Netto
POLI 2700 - Introduction to World Politics (SE / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Brett, UNO-IBK International Summer School Netto
Brett, UNO-IBK International Summer School Netto
PSYC 1000 - General Psychology (SE / 3h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Matthew, UNO-IBK International Summer School Scalco
Matthew, UNO-IBK International Summer School Scalco
- There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
- The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).