Compulsory Module 1: Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 6 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the Module understand the importance of school as an educational institution and have basic knowledge in the fields of education, learning and teaching in institutional contexts. They know alternative learning concepts and school systems.
Graduates of this module are able to explain selected models of lesson planning as well as methods for teaching structures and apply them under guidance. They know theoretical teaching models, the basics of general didacticsnd have basic media skills.
Graduates of this module have acquired knowledge about the teaching profession, know selected professionalisation concepts and the requirement profile of the teaching profession. Moreover, they have gained insights into the professional reality. They are able to reflect their own school and learning biography.
Graduates of this module know about the fundamental importance of diversity for lesson design and implementation and have first experiences in reflecting on teaching, team work and social learning.
Graduates of this module have gained first empirical experiences in the research field school. In the practical training course they have gained experiences in the fields of classroom observation, lesson planning, holding of teaching sequences and are able to reflect on these experiences in a systematic and theory-based way.
Graduates of this module have acquired fundamental competences in the fields of presentation, rhetorics and the design of learning situations.
Graduates of this module are aware of their professional choice based on practical experiences in the field of school and can reflect on it based on profession-theoretical concepts and their own educational biography.
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VO School as an Educational Institution and Role of the Teacher (VO / 2h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Eveline Christof
Details of this course
PS School as an Educational Institution and Role of the Teacher (PS / 2h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Peter Rheinberger
Details of this course
PS School as an Educational Institution and Role of the Teacher (PS / 2h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Traugott Zech
Details of this course
- There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
- The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).