
Module 3A: Philosophy of Science (7,5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: An understanding of the scientific and theoretical basis of issues through the mutual reading and discussion of suitable classical and innovative texts on historiography; knowledge of development trends in research and criticism of paradigms.
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UE Philosophy of Science "Anything goes" (UE / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Stefan Johannes Ehrenpreis
Details of this course
UE Philosophy of Science "Everything turns": Computer cartography: application of geographic information systems (GIS) in the practice of historical studies. (UE / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Walter Thomas Liebhart
Details of this course

  • There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
  • The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).