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Compulsory Module 1: Preparatory Seminar (15 ECTS-Credits, 12 h)
Learning Outcome: The graduates are able to identify general questions relevant for Peace Studies and to deal with them by using the respective methods, to deal in-depth with specialist questions of the subject and to design an individual and concrete research outline independently. Graduates are able to make independent written contributions.
Compulsory Module 2: Introduction to Peace Studies (18 ECTS-Credits, 15 h)
Learning Outcome: Graduates are familiar with the general terms and methods of peace and conflict research. They acquire a profound knowledge of elicitive conflict work. They have trained the different ways of academically handling it and are familiar with selected areas of energetic, moral, modern, postmodern and/or transrational peace theory.
Compulsory Module 3: Aspects of Negative Peaces and Direct Violence (18 ECTS-Credits, 15 h)
Learning Outcome: Graduates are familiar with the basic principles, the individual and group-dynamic requirements of civil peace and conflict work in the practical field of international organisations, operation and missions, the legal, ethical and organisational operating modes of humanitarian institutions, disaster and first aid units, the human rights sector, the gender area, children labour, peace education. They have exercised intercultural communication, negotiation techniques, executive tasks and organisation of small groups on intermediate level in these areas under realistic conditions and are able to make situation analysis and carry out planning, management and executive tasks in such missions. They are methodologically capable to capture such experiences in a scientific way and to report in writing.
Compulsory Module 4: Aspects of Positive Peaces and Structural Violence (21 ECTS-Credits, 18 h)
Learning Outcome: Graduates have dealt with different special themes in the areas of regional studies, developmental countries research, peace education, communication and security studies in a practice-relevant way. They are able to make independent oral and written contributions on these themes in a scientific way and to design and introduce respective projects.
Compulsory Module 5: Cultures of Peaces (18 ECTS-Credits, 15 h)
Learning Outcome: Graduates are familiar with at least two methods of elicitive conflict transformation. They have trained the methods and experienced them themselves in a group context. They can approach known experts of these techniques and can resort to their advice for their practical work. They are methodologically capable to capture such experiences in a scientific way and to report in writing.
Master's Thesis (30 ECTS-Credits)
(no courses)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of the compulsory modules 1 to 5
ENROLMENT: CEP Peace WS 2020/21 (UE / 30h / 75 ECTS-AP)
Rina Malagayo Alluri, Wolfgang Dietrich, Sabrina Rebecca Stein
Rina Malagayo Alluri, Wolfgang Dietrich, Sabrina Rebecca Stein
- There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
- The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).