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Elective Module 1: Automata and Logic (7.5 ECTS-credits, 4 hours)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: In-depth understanding of finite automata and logic; Students have a full command of the concepts and theoretical tools on which the computer-aided verification is based and can, if necessary, develop them further independently.
Elective Module 2: Constraint-Solving (7.5 ECTS-credits, 4 hours)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: In-depth understanding of constraint solving. Students are proficient in concepts that are used in current SAT, SMT and similar solvers and can also develop these independently if necessary. In addition, they can select suitable solvers for applications in order to solve problems effectively.
Elective Module 3: Cryptography (7.5 ECTS-credits, 4 hours)
(no courses)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: In-depth understanding of cryptography; Students master the concepts and theoretical basics for the construction of current cryptographic procedures. They know elementary security terms and typical attacks on cryptography. They can analyse the secure use of selected cryptographic procedures in practical systems and, if necessary, familiarise themselves with similar procedures independently.
Elective Module 4: High-Performance Computing (7.5 ECTS-credits, 4 hours)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: After successfully completing the module, students can describe and classify complex parallel computer architectures and programmes, and select and adapt them according to requirements. Common analysis and optimisation methods are understood and can be implemented. The students are able to solve larger computing problems independently and efficiently on parallel computers.
Elective Module 5: Optimisation and Numerical Computation (7.5 ECTS-credits, 4 hours)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: After successfully completing the module, students understand current, complex algorithmic methods in the field of interactive systems. They are able to solve corresponding problems through the targeted use of the methods and to develop similar content themselves. Central methods such as numerical computations, optimisation, computer-aided physics and the basics of control theory are understood by the students. They can describe, classify, select, implement and adapt these according to requirements.
Elective Module 6: Signal Processing and Algorithmic Geometry (7.5 ECTS-credits, 4 hours)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: After successfully completing the module, students understand current, complex algorithmic methods in the field of visual computing. They are able to solve corresponding problems through the targeted use of the methods and to develop similar content themselves. Central methods such as signal processing, algorithmic geometry and coordinate transformations are understood by the students. They can describe, classify, select, implement and adapt these according to requirements.
Elective Module 7: Logic and Learning (10 ECTS-credits, 6 hours)
(no courses)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Advanced understanding of current topical areas in logic and learning; acquisition of the ability to independently educate themselves in the field.
Elective Module 8: Selected Chapters in Logic and Learning (10 ECTS-credits, 6 hours)
(no courses)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Advanced understanding of selected advanced areas of specialisation in logic and learning; acquisition of the ability to independently educate themselves in the field.
Elective Module 9: Advanced Topics in Logic and Learning (10 ECTS-credits, 5 hours)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Advanced understanding of a specialised area in logic and learning;
acquisition of the ability to independently educate themselves in the field.
Elective Module 10: Secure and Distributed Computing (10 ECTS-credits, 6 hours)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Advanced understanding of current topics in secure and distributed computing; acquisition of the ability to independently educate themselves in the field.
Elective Module 11: Selected Chapters in Secure and Distributed Computing (10 ECTS-credits, 6 hours)
(no courses)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Advanced understanding of selected advanced areas of specialisation in secure and distributed computing; acquisition of the ability to independently educate themselves in the field.
Elective Module 12: Further Topics in Secure and Distributed Computing (10 ECTS-credits, 5 hours)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Advanced understanding of selected advanced areas of specialisation in secure and distributed computing; acquisition of the ability to independently educate themselves in the field.
Elective Module 13: Perception, Interaction and Robotics (10 ECTS-credits, 6 hours)
(no courses)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Advanced understanding of current topics in perception, interaction and robotics; acquisition of the ability to independently educate themselves in the field.
Elective Module 14: Selected Chapters in Perception, Interaction and Robotics (10 ECTS-credits, 6 hours)
(no courses)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Advanced understanding of selected advanced areas of specialisation in perception, interaction and robotics; acquisition of the ability to independently educate themselves in the field.
Elective Module 15: Further Topics in Perception, Interaction and Robotics (10 ECTS-credits, 5 hours)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Advanced understanding of selected advanced areas of specialisation in perception, interaction and robotics; acquisition of the ability to independently educate themselves in the field.
Elective Module 16: Specialisation A (10 ECTS-credits, 6 hours)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Advanced understanding of current topics in computer science; acquisition of the ability to independently educate themselves in the field.
Elective Module 17: Specialisation B (10 ECTS-credits, 6 hours)
(no courses)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Advanced understanding of selected advanced areas of specialisation in computer science; acquisition of the ability to independently educate themselves in the field.
Elective Module 18: Specialisation C (10 ECTS-credits, 5 hours)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Advanced understanding of selected advanced areas of specialisation in computer science;
acquisition of the ability to independently educate themselves in the field.
Providing the availability of places, courses from the master and/or diploma programmes offered at the University of Innsbruck can be selected. It is recommended to pass a course in the field of Gender Studies, Women and Gender Research.
Elective Module 19: Interdisciplinary Skills (10 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: The prerequisites specified by the respective curricula must be met.
Learning Outcome: Expansion of the study programme by acquiring additional qualifications
For further information about courses click COURSES.For individual specialisation, modules corresponding to a maximum of 20 ECTS-Credits can be freely selected from the master¿s programmes offered at the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics at University of Innsbruck. The prerequisites specified in the respective curricula must be met.
Elective Module 20: Individual Choice of Specialisation (20 ECTS-Credits)
- There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
- The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).