
Compulsory Module 3: Basics of Movement Science and Specific Sports Games (10 ECTS-Credits, 5 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Graduates of this module - know the differentiation between disciplines of sports science in consideration of competitive, recreational and school sports; - are able to use and correctly handle information sources in sports science; - they understand which issues in sports science are dealt with by which methods; - are able to structure motor abilities and skills and know the ontogenesis of motor abilities and skills; - know the most important theories of motor control and regulation and movement learning, and they are able to derive appropriate consequences for movement correction and training-methodical measures; - are able to plan and implement the methodical development of basic skills in football in consideration of models in sports science as well as in consideration of safety aspects and different ages, skills, performance levels and gender differences.
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PS Introduction to Scientific Working (PS / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP) E
Katharina Wirnitzer
Details of this course
VO Movement Science (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Inge Werner
Details of this course
UE Soccer (UE / 1h / 1 ECTS-AP)
Dieter Heinrich
Details of this course
UE Soccer (UE / 1h / 1 ECTS-AP)
Dieter Heinrich
Details of this course
UE Soccer (UE / 1h / 1 ECTS-AP)
Gerhard Gstettner
Details of this course

  • There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
  • The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).