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Compulsory Module 1: Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies (10 ECTS-Credits, 3 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: The students have an overview of the central topics, theories and traditions of peace and conflict studies and are able to relate these to relevant discourses. In particular, they are able to explain the fundamental terms, principles and objectives of peace and conflict studies in the context of relevant reference disciplines such as history, philosophy, political science, social science or law and to reflect on and characterise significant aspects such as gender relations, discrimination and racism, global inequality. They know the possibilities and limits of digital teaching and learning environments, also with regard to accessibility and inclusive digitalisation.
Compulsory Module 2: Advanced Peace and Conflict Studies (10 ECTS-Credits, 3 h)
(no courses)
Prerequisites for registration: positive evaluation of compulsory module 1
Learning Outcome: Students are able to systematically relate in-depth topics, theories and traditions to discourses of human rights, intersectionality, post colonialism, the Anthropocene, etc. hey are able to explain selected terms, principles and objectives in peace and conflict studies, especially in the context of disciplines in the humanities, social and cultural sciences, and to reflect on and characterise significant aspects, such as gender relations, discrimination and racism, global inequality. They know the possibilities and limits of digital teaching and learning environments, also with regard to accessibility and inclusive digitalisation.
Compulsory Module 3: Methods in Peace and Conflict Research (10 ECTS-Credits, 3 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive evaluation of compulsory module 2
Learning Outcome: Students are able to name qualitative and quantitative empirical methods as well as further methods in peace and conflict studies and their related disciplines. They are able to select, justify and apply these methods to design projects in peace and conflict studies. They can formulate academic texts according to different criteria in peace and conflict studies and present them for academic discussion. They know the possibilities and limits of digital teaching and learning environments, also with regard to accessibility and inclusive digitalisation.
Compulsory Module 4: Civil Peace Missions I (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: The students have basic knowledge of the individual and group dynamic requirements of civil peace and conflict work incl. situation-specific stressors. They have experienced and can characterise the challenges and potentials of non-violent communication, negotiation techniques and small group organisation under operational learning conditions. They are able to explain the legal, ethical and organisational way of working in humanitarian institutions, in disaster and first aid services, in the human rights sector, in the gender sector, in the work for children, in peace education, taking particular account of intersectional approaches. The students know fundamental approaches and methods of crisis intervention and stress management in mission-relevant areas. They are able to name stress reactions and know relevant institutional contact points and support structures.
Compulsory Module 5: Civil Peace Missions II (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
(no courses)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: The students have advanced knowledge of the individual and group dynamic requirements of civil peace and conflict work incl. situation-specific stressors. They have experienced and can characterise the challenges and potentials of non-violent communication, negotiation techniques and leadership tasks in small groups under operational learning conditions. They are able to explain the legal, ethical and organisational way of working in humanitarian institutions, in disaster and first aid services, in the human rights sector, in the gender sector, in the work for children, in peace education, taking particular account of intersectional approaches. The students know fundamental approaches and methods of crisis intervention and stress management in mission-relevant areas. They are able to recognise stress reactions and take targeted measures.
Compulsory Module 6: Civil Peace Missions III (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: The students have extensive knowledge of the individual and group dynamic requirements of civil peace and conflict work incl. situation-specific stressors. They have experienced and can characterise the challenges and potentials of non-violent communication, negotiation techniques and higher-level leadership tasks of task forces under operational learning conditions. They are able to explain the legal, ethical and organisational way of working in humanitarian institutions, in disaster and first aid services, in the human rights sector, in the gender sector, in the work for children, in peace education, taking particular account of intersectional approaches. The students know specific approaches and methods of crisis intervention and stress management in action forces. They are able to recognise stress reactions and coordinate complex measures.
Compulsory Module 7: Plurality and Topicality of Peace Studies (15 ECTS-Credits, 9 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: The students are able to deal with the main topics in peace studies in the context of gender studies, critical race theory, development studies, transitional justice and human rights studies, postcolonial studies and critical ecology studies and discuss them in a scientifically competent manner.
Compulsory Module 8: Conflict Transformation (15 ECTS-Credits, 6 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: The students deal theoretically and practically with exemplary methods of conflict transformation and implement them in group contexts.
Compulsory Module 9: Research Colloquium for the Master's Thesis (2.5 ECTS-Credits, 2 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive evaluation of compulsory modules 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
Learning Outcome: The students are able to write a methodically correct brief description of the content of the planned master's thesis (synopsis) and to outline a realistic time schedule.
Compulsory Module 10: Master's Thesis Defence (2.5 ECTS-Credits)
(no courses)
Prerequisites for registration: positive evaluation of all other compulsory modules and the Master's Thesis
Learning Outcome: Reflection of the Master¿s Thesis in the overall context of the Master's Programme Peace and Conflict Studies; focus is on theoretical understanding, methodological questions, the imparting of the results of the Master's Thesis and the presentation competences.
- There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
- The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).