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PJ Design Studio 2 (PJ / 4h / 7,5 ECTS-AP)
Simeon Martin Brugger, Zeynep Brugger, Mehmet Ferda Kolatan
Simeon Martin Brugger, Zeynep Brugger, Mehmet Ferda Kolatan
PJ Design Studio 2 (PJ / 4h / 7,5 ECTS-AP)
Korbinian Enzinger, Claudia Pasquero, Emiliano Rando
Korbinian Enzinger, Claudia Pasquero, Emiliano Rando
SE Skills Portfolio (SE / 1h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Korbinian Enzinger, Xiao Wang
Korbinian Enzinger, Xiao Wang
PJ Design Studio 2 (PJ / 4h / 7,5 ECTS-AP)
Gerald Norbert Karl Haselwanter, Helle Schröder
Gerald Norbert Karl Haselwanter, Helle Schröder
SE Skills Portfolio (SE / 1h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Regina Tschurtschenthaler
Regina Tschurtschenthaler
PJ Design Studio 2 (PJ / 4h / 7,5 ECTS-AP)
Manuel Bonell, Flavia Mazzanti, Marisol Rivas Velázquez, Christian Schmutz, Eric Sidoroff
Manuel Bonell, Flavia Mazzanti, Marisol Rivas Velázquez, Christian Schmutz, Eric Sidoroff
SE Skills Portfolio (SE / 1h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Alexander Christian Kofler
Alexander Christian Kofler
PJ Design Studio 2 (PJ / 4h / 7,5 ECTS-AP)
David Erich Kienpointner, Arne Knoll, Alexandra Moisi, Moritz Riedl, Viktoria Sandor, Maja Beatrice Wolf
David Erich Kienpointner, Arne Knoll, Alexandra Moisi, Moritz Riedl, Viktoria Sandor, Maja Beatrice Wolf
PJ Design Studio 2 (PJ / 4h / 7,5 ECTS-AP)
Günther Filz, Wolfgang Ohnmacht, Thomas Weinold
Günther Filz, Wolfgang Ohnmacht, Thomas Weinold
PJ Design Studio 2 (PJ / 4h / 7,5 ECTS-AP)
Pavlos Fereos, Theresa Anna Maria Kappeler, Simon Maria Philipp Oberhammer
Pavlos Fereos, Theresa Anna Maria Kappeler, Simon Maria Philipp Oberhammer
SE Skills Portfolio (SE / 1h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Eftychios-Nikolaos Efthymiou
Eftychios-Nikolaos Efthymiou
PJ Design Studio 2 (PJ / 4h / 7,5 ECTS-AP)
Christian Dummer, Valerie Lea Maria Messini
Christian Dummer, Valerie Lea Maria Messini
- There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
- The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).