
Compulsory Module 17: Machine Learning (7,5 ECTS-Credits, 5 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: After completing this module, students know and understand important methods of machine learning that allow software systems to independently adjust their parameters based on sample data and/or to continuously optimise their performance. They are able to formalise application problems for machine learning and to solve them using established methods.
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VO Machine Learning (VO / 3h / 4,5 ECTS-AP)
Samuele Tosatto
Details of this course
PS Machine Learning (PS / 2h / 3 ECTS-AP)
Sayantan Auddy, David Drexel, Jakob Johannes Hollenstein, Danielle Maree McKenney
Details of this course

  • There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
  • The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).