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Minor (Complementary Subject Area): English and American Studies (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme English and American Studies may not pass the complementary subject area English and American Studies. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area English and American Studies
- possess a specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills and competences in the fields of English and American Studies, required for finding and implementing methodically sound solutions to subject-specific questions.
- have a critical awareness of factual questions in the field of English and American Studies.
- are able to successfully work on complex fields of knowledge in English and American
Studies in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Minor Biomedical Engineering (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: - The Minor Biomedical Engineering covers 30 ECTS-Credits. It can be passed by regular degree students of master programmes at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences as well as the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Sciences and Physics at the University of Innsbruck if the respective curriculum provides for the possibility to pass of a Minor.
- The Minor can be passed providing the availability of places.
- For courses that are used synergetically, the regulations concerning the procedure for the allocation of places in courses with a restricted number of participants as well as the examination regulations of the curriculum in the respective valid version from which the course examination or module is taken shall apply.
- A course can only be allocated to the subject-specific studies or the Minor. Double allocation is not permissible.
- All courses are held within the cooperation of the University of Innsbruck with the UMIT - TIROL - Health and Life Sciences University. The study law regulations of the University of Innsbruck apply.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the Minor Biomedical Engineering are able
- to understand selected technologies for personalised medicine and to develop and apply corresponding algorithms,
- to analyse, design, implement and characterise methods for biomedical modelling and simulation and to independently develop solution proposals for direct and inverse problems,
- to understand and classify current trends and developments in biomedical engineering and to evaluate and discuss real-life problems in consideration of ethical and legal aspects,
- to analyse complex, practical, electrical engineering problems in biomedical engineering, break them down into sub-problems, implement and validate them.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): (...) (30 ECTS-AP)
Prerequisites for registration: (1) Das Wahlpaket China/Taiwan/Ostasien im Umfang von 30 ECTS-AP kann von ordentlichen Studierenden der an der Universität Innsbruck eingerichteten Bachelor- und Masterstudien gewählt werden, sofern im entsprechenden Curriculum die Möglichkeit, ein Wahlpaket zu absolvieren, vorgesehen ist.
(2) Die einzelnen Module und Lehrveranstaltungen des Wahlpakets China/Taiwan/Ostasien können nach Maßgabe freier Plätze studiert werden.
Learning Outcome: (1) Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Wahlpakets China/Taiwan/Ostasien verfügen über Kenntnisse des Chinesischen auf dem Niveau A1/A2 des Europäischen Referenzrahmens sowie über ein grundlegendes Verständnis des Sprach- und Kulturraums China/Taiwan/Ostasien.
(2) Die Absolventinnen und Absolventen sind in der Lage
- die Chinesische Sprache elementar zu gebrauchen sowie diese Fertigkeiten selbständig auszubauen;
- die historisch gewachsene politische, gesellschaftliche und kulturelle Vielfalt Ostasiens (sowohl mit Blick auf die historische Dominanz des chinesischen Kultur- und Wirtschaftsraums als auch im Sinne einer Autonomie moderner Nationen sowie Kultur- und Sprachgemeinschaften) zu verstehen und sich kritisch mit ihr auseinanderzusetzen;
- die für das kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Ganze Ostasiens charakteristischen Spannungsfelder (zwischen Traditionen und Modernität, regionalen und kosmopolitischen Weltbildern, Subkulturen und offiziell repräsentierter Kultur) zu erkennen;
- Bezüge zwischen ihrem jeweiligen Studienfach und dem Kulturraum China/Taiwan/Ostasien wahrzunehmen und auszuarbeiten;
- in Bezug auf das eigene Studienfach und den Sprach- und Kulturraum China/Taiwan/Ostasien interdisziplinär zusammenzuarbeiten.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): German Language and Literature (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme German Philology may not pass the complementary subject area German Language and Literature.
Learning Outcome: Die Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Wahlpakets Deutsche Sprache und Literatur
- können Sprache und Kommunikationsereignisse in ihren unterschiedlichen Ausdrucksformen analysieren und reflektieren;
- können im vertieften Wissen über sprachliche Regularitäten und sprachliche Normen sowie im umfassenden Verständnis für deren Dependenz von außersprachlichen Faktoren Texte bzw. sprachliche Ausdrucksformen unterschiedlichster Ausprägung analysieren, optimieren sowie adressatenorientiert produzieren;
- wissen über historische Entwicklung und gegenwärtige Erscheinungsformen der deutschen Sprache und/oder deutschsprachigen Literatur Bescheid;
- sind in der Lage, Wissen und Erkenntnisse der Germanistik kritisch zu reflektieren und mit anderen Bereichen zu verknüpfen und diesen Transfer auch für neue Betrachtungsweisen und zur Bewältigung von komplexen Aufgaben anderer Disziplinen zu nutzen;
- haben die Kompetenz, Erkenntnisse komplexer und auch unvorhersehbarer Arbeits- und Lernkontexte in der Germanistik und/oder an der Schnittstelle zwischen der Germanistik und anderen Bereichen für innovative Ansätze in ihrem Arbeits- und Lernbereich einzusetzen.
Graduates of the complementary subject area German Language and Literature
- are able to analyse and reflect language and communication events in their different expressions.
- are able to analyse, optimise and produce texts and different linguistic forms of expression with regards of the target group, thanks to their advanced knowledge of linguistic regularities and language norms as well as their comprehensive understanding of their dependence on extralinguistic factors.
- know about historic developments and contemporary forms of the German language
and/or German-language literature.
- are able to critically reflect and relate to other fields knowledge and findings in German
Philology and to use this transfer also for new perspectives and for tackling complex
tasks in other disciplines.
- have the competence to use findings of complex and also unpredictable working and
learning contexts in German Philology and/or at the interface of German Philology and
other fields for innovative approaches in their working and learning area.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): German as a Foreign and Second Language (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme German Philology may not pass the complementary subject area German as a Foreign/Second Language.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area German as a Foreign/Second Language
- possess a specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills and competences in the fields of German as a Foreign/Second Language, required for finding and implementing methodically sound solutions to subject-specific questions.
- have a critical awareness of key issues in the field of German as a Foreign/Second Language.
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts of German as a Foreign/Second Language in an innovative and interdisciplinary manner.
Minor: Digital Cultural Data (DCD) (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: (1) The Minor Digital Cultural Data covers 30 ECTS-Credits. It can be passed by regular degree students of master programmes at the University of Innsbruck if the respective curriculum provides for the possibility to pass of a Minor.
(2) The Minor can be passed providing the availability of places.
Learning Outcome: (1) Due to the combination of critical analysis and practical testing, after completing the Minor Digital Cultural Data, graduates have acquired the conceptual skills that make them experts for the use of digital media and processes in research, museum and exhibition practice, in project acquisition and strategic planning.
(2) Graduates have acquired advanced knowledge in the digitisation, archiving, dissemination and networking of cultural artefacts, texts and research data. They are able to grasp and assess datafication and automation in the humanities and cultural studies. They are able to take a critical stance when it comes to the fairness and transparency of digital humanities and cultural studies (e.g. appropriateness, data protection, equality, recognition). They have implemented the knowledge they have learned in relevant internships.
(3) Graduates have acquired basic knowledge in the field of programming tools and routines for archiving and analysis in cultural studies and humanities contexts.
(4) They are able to independently and appropriately apply ethical perspectives and concepts to a Digital Cultural Data problem, considering the implications of this application.
Minor: Digital Science (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: If the respective curriculum provides the possibility, the Complementary Subject Area in Digital Science covering 30 ECTS-Credits may be selected by degree students of Bachelor's and Master's programmes at the University of Innsbruck.
The complementary subject area can be selected, provided the availability of places.
For courses that are used synergistically, the regulations regarding the procedure for the allocation of places in courses with limited number of participants as well as the examination regula-tions of the curriculum, the course examination or the module have been taken from, in the respectively valid version, apply.
Only course examinations may be taken which have not yet been passed within the scope of study programmes for which the students are admitted to.
Students of a pertinent study programme in Computer Science may not pass the Complementary Subject Area in Digital Science.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the Complementary Subject Area Digital Science will be able to understand basic digi-tal methods in the fields of programming, data analysis and data management and to apply them to solving relevant issues in their field of science, particularly in the humanities, social sciences and economics.
Graduates of the Complementary Subject Area in Digital Science are able
- to understand and create programmes in a programming language suitable for data analysis,
- to model, prepare and manage data,
- to select and apply data analysis procedures in the context of their own field of study,
- to plan and implement data analysis projects in the context of their own field of study.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Film Studies A (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: If the module American Film, Media and Culture has already been completed within the scope of the Master's Programme English and American Studies (elective module 9), then the complementary subject area Film Studies (B) may be chosen. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area Film Studies (A)
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of film and media studies, in film theory and film-cultural practice.
- are able to critically reflect and implement questions in film studies on a high methodological level.
- have intercultural competences in film and cultural studies and are able to develop complex knowledge areas in an interdisciplinary way.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Film Studies B (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: If the module American Film, Media and Culture has already been completed within the scope of the Master's Programme English and American Studies (elective module 9), then the complementary subject area Film Studies (B) may be chosen. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area Film Studies (A)
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of film and media studies, in film theory and film-cultural practice.
- are able to critically reflect and implement questions in film studies on a high methodological level.
- have intercultural competences in film and cultural studies and are able to develop complex knowledge areas in an interdisciplinary way.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): French Linguistics (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme Romance Studies or the Master's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) in the subject of French may not pass the complementary subject area in French linguistics. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area in French Linguistics - use the French language independently and have a command of the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing at the language level B1+ to B2 of the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages.
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of French linguistics for finding and implementing sound solutions to subject-specific questions on a high methodological level.
- have a critical awareness of issues of knowledge in the field of French linguistics.
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts in the field of French linguistics in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): French Literary and Cultural Studies (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme Romance Studies or the Master's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) in the subject of French may not pass the complementary subject area in French Literary and Cultural Studies. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary area French Literary and Cultural Studies - use the French language independently and have a command of the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing at the language level B1+ to B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of French Literary and Cultural Studies for finding and implementing sound solutions to subject-specific questions on a high methodological level.
- have a critical awareness of issues of knowledge in the field of French Literary and Cultural Studies.
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts in the field of French Literary and Cultural Studies in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Indo-European Linguistics (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme Linguistics may not pass the complementary subject area of Indo-European Linguistics.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area Indo-European Linguistics
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of Indo-European Linguistics for finding and implementing sound solutions to subject-specific questions on a high methodological level.
- have a critical awareness of issues of knowledge in the field of Indo-European Linguistics.
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts in the field of Indo-European
Linguistics in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Italian Linguistics (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme Romance Studies or the Master's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) in the subject of Italian may not pass the complementary subject area in Italian Linguistics. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area in Italian Linguistics
- use the Italian language independently and have a command of the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing at the language level B1+ to B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of Italian linguistics for finding and implementing sound solutions
to subject-specific questions on a high methodological level.
- have a critical awareness of issues of knowledge in the field of Italian linguistics.
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts in the field of Italian linguistics
in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Italian Literary and Cultural Studies (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme Romance Studies or the Master's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) in the subject of Italian may not pass the complementary subject area in Italian Literary and Cultural Studies. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary area Italian Literary and Cultural Studies
- use the Italian language independently and have a command of the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing at the language level B1+ to B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of Italian Literary and Cultural Studies for finding and implementing sound solutions to subject-specific questions on a high methodological level.
- have a critical awareness of issues of knowledge in the field of Italian Literary and Cultural Studies.
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts in the field of Italian Literary and Cultural Studies in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Latin (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students o the Master's Programme Classical Philology - Latin or the Master's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) in the subject of Latin may not pass the complementary subject area Latin. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area Latin
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of Latin for finding and implementing sound solutions to subject-specific questions on a high methodological level.
- have a critical awareness of issues of knowledge in the field of Latin.
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts in the field of Latin in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Minor: Media Practice (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: The minor "Media Practice" covering 30 ECTS-Credits can be selected by degree students of Master's programmes at the University of Innsbruck, providing the relevant curriculum allows for the option to pass a minor. The minor can be passed, providing the availability of places.
Learning Outcome: (1) Graduates of the minor "Media Practice" are qualified to understand and apply basic aspects of media practice in the fields of print media, audiovisual media and social media.
(2) Graduates of the minor "Media Practice" are able
- to select and apply media and media tools,
- to understand, analyse and implement media, their forms of design and the respective output channels,
- to take up current events and implement them in the media,
- to plan and carry out practical media projects, also in the context of one's own field of study.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Media Studies (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme Media Studies may not pass the complementary subject area Media Studies.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area Media Studies
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of Media Studies for finding and implementing sound solutions to subject-specific questions on a high methodological level.
- have a critical awareness of issues of knowledge in the field of Media Studies
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts in the field of Media Studies in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Mediaeval and Neo-Latin (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme Classical Philology - Latin or the Master's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) in the subject of Latin may not pass the complementary subject area in Medieval and Neo-Latin. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area in Medieval and Neo-Latin
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of Medieval and Neo-Latin for finding and implementing sound solutions to subject-specific questions on a high methodological level.
- have a critical awareness of issues of knowledge in the field of Medieval and Neo-Latin
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts in the field of Medieval and Neo-Latin in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Complementary Subject Area: Law, Security and Society (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: (1) The Minor Law, Security and Society covering 30 ECTS-Credits may be selected by students of the master¿s programmes offered at the University of Innsbruck if the corresponding curriculum provides the opportunity to pass a minor.
(2) The minor can be passed, providing the availability of places.
Learning Outcome: (1) The graduates of the Minor Law, Security and Society are qualified to recognise and analyse law, crime and security as socially constituted, to understand fundamental aspects of the interaction of law, security and society and to approach these interrelations empirically.
(2) The graduates of the Minor Law, Security and Society
- understand basic theoretical approaches and essential fields of application in the research area,
- are able to analyse and critically reflect on social phenomena and discourses on law, deviance or crime and security from a social studies perspective,
- and have sound knowledge of methodological approaches and specifics of research practice in empirical research in this field.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Slavonic Literary and Cultural Studies (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme Slavonic Studies may not pass the complementary subject area in Slavonic Literary and Cultural Studies. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary area Slavonic Literary and Cultural Studies
- use the Russian language independently and have a command of the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing at the language level A1/A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of Slavonic Literary and Cultural Studies for finding and implementing sound solutions to subject-specific questions on a high methodological level.
- have a critical awareness of issues of knowledge in the field of Slavonic Literary and Cultural Studies.
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts in the field of Slavonic Literary and Cultural Studies in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Slavonic Linguistics (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme Slavonic Studies may not pass the complementary subject area in Slavonic Linguistics. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area in Slavonic Linguistics
- use the Russian language independently and have a command of the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing at the language level A1/A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of Slavonic linguistics for finding and implementing sound solutions to subject-specific questions on a high methodological level.
- have a critical awareness of issues of knowledge in the field of Slavonic linguistics.
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts in the field of Slavonic linguistics in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Spanish Linguistics (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme Romance Studies or the Master's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) in the subject of Spanish may not pass the complementary subject area in Spanish Linguistics. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area Spanish Linguistics
- use the Spanish language independently and have a command of the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing at the language level B1+ to B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of Spanish linguistics for finding and implementing sound solutions to subject-specific questions on a high methodological level.
- have a critical awareness of issues of knowledge in the field of Spanish linguistics.
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts in the field of Spanish linguistics in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Spanish Literary and Cultural Studies (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme Romance Studies or the Master's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) in the subject of Spanish may not pass the complementary subject area in Spanish Literary and Cultural Studies. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary area Spanish Literary and Cultural Studies
- use the Spanish language independently and have a command of the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing at the language level B1+ to B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of Spanish Literary and Cultural Studies for finding and implementing sound solutions to subject-specific questions on a high methodological level.
- have a critical awareness of issues of knowledge in the field of Spanish Literary and Cultural Studies.
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts in the field of Spanish Literary and Cultural Studies in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Business Communication (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme Linguistics may not pass the complementary subject area Business Communication.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area Business Communication
- have specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills as well as subject-specific competences in the field of Business Communication for finding and implementing sound solutions to subject-specific questions on a high methodological level.
- have a critical awareness of issues of knowledge in the field of Business Communication.
- are able to successfully work on complex learning contexts in the field of Business Communication in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): Comparative Literary Studies (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme Comparative Literature may not pass the complementary subject area Comparative Literature.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area Comparative Literature
- have well-founded and specialised insights into the following scientific fields of work:
a) international literary phenomena (i.a. within the scope of the "world literature" concept);
b) text, literary and cultural theory as well as
c) intermediality (literature/film, literature/photography, literature/visual arts, literature/music, literature/dance, literature/architecture, literature/new media).
- are able to independently and critically analyse and interpret literary and other artistic works or phenomena resp. as well as their reception.
- have the competence to reflect on their own cultural location and promote an understanding for other cultures as well as gender-specific differences.
- are able to work in an interdisciplinary way and
- know about the possibilities of practice-oriented application of their competences in the fields of literary and cultural businesses (bookshops, publishing and editorial, journalism, exhibitions, museum pedagogy as well as culture and project management; theatre, repertory cinemas).
- There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
- The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).