
Compulsory Module 2: Learning, Teaching and Research in the Context of Diversity (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 5 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of Compulsory Module 1
Learning Outcome: The graduates of this module have advanced knowledge of learning and teaching in the context of diversity in its school-relevant importance and in the field of educational psychology. They are aware of the challenge of stereotypical attributions and reflect on it. Their knowledge of social and cultural contexts allows them to recognize and consider possibilities and boundaries of their action. They possess theoretical and practical knowledge to shape social relationships and cooperative work forms in heterogeneous learning groups. Graduates of this module have gained advanced insights in the profession-related research and development of school and teaching as well as school quality.
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PS Educational Research and Development of School and Teaching (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Christa Hölzl
Details of this course
PS Educational Research and Development of School and Teaching (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Christa Hölzl
Details of this course
PS Educational Research and Development of School and Teaching (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Christa Hölzl
Details of this course
PS Educational Research and Development of School and Teaching (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Christa Hölzl
Details of this course
PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Simone Baumann
Details of this course
PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Norbert Waldner
Details of this course
PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Norbert Waldner
Details of this course
PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Norbert Waldner
Details of this course
PS Educational Research and Development of School and Teaching (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Bettina Dimai
Details of this course
PS Educational Research and Development of School and Teaching (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Vera Zass
Details of this course
PS Educational Research and Development of School and Teaching (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Vera Zass
Details of this course
PS Educational Research and Development of School and Teaching (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Vera Zass
Details of this course
PS Educational Research and Development of School and Teaching (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Vera Zass
Details of this course
PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Simone Baumann
Details of this course
PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Paul Resinger
Details of this course
PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Paul Resinger
Details of this course
PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Paul Resinger
Details of this course
PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Simone Baumann
Details of this course
PS Educational Research and Development of School and Teaching (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Bettina Dimai
Details of this course
PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP) E
Norbert Waldner
Details of this course
VO Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity (VO / 2h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Christian Kraler
Details of this course
PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Elisabeth Swatek
Details of this course
PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Elisabeth Swatek, Norbert Waldner
Details of this course
PS Educational Research and Development of School and Teaching (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Elisabeth Swatek, Vera Zass
Details of this course
PS Educational Research and Development of School and Teaching (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Elisabeth Swatek
Details of this course
VO Educational Research and Development of School and Teaching (VO / 1h / 1,5 ECTS-AP) E
Gudrun Quenzel
Details of this course

  • There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
  • The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).