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Compulsory module 1: Introduction to Digital Cultural Data (5 ECTS-Credits, 3 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Students have relevant overview knowledge in the field of digital humanities and cultural studies and their GLAM application areas and are able to abstract it.
They are able to interpret the challenges at the interfaces between digital technology and the preservation of cultural assets and to critically discuss the impact of digital transformation on the disciplines of humanities and cultural studies as well as GLAM institutions.
Compulsory module 2: Aspects of Information Technology of Digital Cultural Data (15 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: The students understand the basics of a programming language used in the field of analysis of data in the humanities and cultural sciences. They have acquired the skills to apply the most important flow controls and data structures in the programming language in order to develop their own programmes. They can recall relevant knowledge in theories and methods of recent research in linguistics, especially empirical methods and specifics of linguistic resources. They are able to use the methods independently as examples. They can interpret the basic aspects of data management and are able to deal systematically with data and metadata, organise and manipulate data. They have acquired specific skills in the areas of conversion, quality assurance, reuse and archiving of data and can perform quantitative analyses. They have acquired the skills to interpret and present data.
- There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
- The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).