Go to the superordinate section
Modul 32: Lateinische Lektüre 1 (5 ECTS-AP, 2 SSt.)
(no courses)
Modul 33: Lateinische Lektüre 2 (5 ECTS-AP, 2 SSt.)
(no courses)
Modul 34: Griechische Lektüre 1 (5 ECTS-AP, 4 SSt.)
(no courses)
Modul 35: Griechische Lektüre 2 (5 ECTS-AP, 4 SSt.)
(no courses)
Modul 36: Griechisches Seminar (5 ECTS-AP, 2 SSt.)
Modul 37: Sumerisch I (2,5 ECTS-AP, 2 SSt.)
(no courses)
Modul 38: Sumerisch II (2,5 ECTS-AP, 2 SSt.)
Modul 39: Akkadisch I (2,5 ECTS-AP, 2 SSt.)
(no courses)
Modul 40: Akkadisch II (2,5 ECTS-AP, 2 SSt.)
Modul 41: Sprachen der Rand- und Kontaktzone (7,5 ECTS-AP, 2 SSt.)
Modul 42: Bibelhebräisch (5 ECTS-AP, 3 SSt.)
Modul 43: Einführung in die Literatur des Altertums (2,5 ECTS-AP, 2 SSt.)
- There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
- The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).