Faculty of Teacher Education
Bachelor Secondary School Teacher Training Programme (General Education) according to the curriculum 2015 (240 ECTS-Credits, 8 semesters)
Compulsory Modules Command of Language (37.5 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory Module 9: French 4 (5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of Compulsory Module 8
Learning Outcome: Grammar and vocabulary as well as basic skills in writing at level B2+
UE Grammar and Vocabulary French 4 (B2+) (UE / 2h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Ludovic Roland Maurice Milot
Details of this course
Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture
Bachelor's Programme French according to the curriculum 2015 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules (150 ECTS-Credits)
Area of Competence: Command of Language (37.5 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory Module 9: French 4 (5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of compulsory module 8
Learning Outcome: Grammar and vocabulary as well as basic writing skills at level B2+
UE Grammar and Vocabulary French 4 (B2+) (UE / 2h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Ludovic Roland Maurice Milot
Details of this course
Bachelor's Programme Translation Studies according to the curriculum 2009 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules (140 ECTS-Credits)
Language Usage (60 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory Module 5: First Foreign Language II (10 ECTS-Credits, 6 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of compulsory module 4
Learning Outcome: Target level B2 (CEFR) for French / Italian / Russian / Spanish; target level C1 (CEFR) for German / English;
independent language use
UE Translation-Orientated Language Course: Structural Aspects II French (UE / 2h / 3,5 ECTS-AP)
Ludovic Roland Maurice Milot
Details of this course
Compulsory Module 8: Second Foreign Language II (10 ECTS-Credits, 6 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of compulsory module 7
Learning Outcome: Target level B2 (CEFR) for French / Italian / Russian / Spanish; target level C1 (CEFR) for English;
independent language use
UE Translation-Orientated Language Course: Structural Aspects II French (UE / 2h / 3,5 ECTS-AP)
Ludovic Roland Maurice Milot
Details of this course
Cultural Studies (30 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory Module 10: Cultural Studies for Translators I First Foreign Language (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 5 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of compulsory module 4
Learning Outcome: Knowledge required for identifying and describing the specific regional aspects of the
countries of the first foreign language; contrastive language and culture competence in
the language pair with regards to the required background knowledge for professional
UE Languages and Cultures in Comparison French (UE / 4h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Ludovic Roland Maurice Milot
Details of this course
Compulsory Module 12: Cultural Studies relevant for translation for Translators I Second Foreign Language (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 5 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of compulsory module 7
Learning Outcome: Knowledge required for identifying and describing the specific regional aspects of the
countries of the second foreign language; contrastive language and culture competence in
the language pair with regards to the required background knowledge for professional translating
UE Languages and Cultures in Comparison French (UE / 4h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Ludovic Roland Maurice Milot
Details of this course
Translatorics (27.5 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory Module 15: Translatorics II First Foreign Language (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 5 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of compulsory module 14
Learning Outcome: Translation competence in the language pair with focus on functional and text-type-
appropriate translation and in consideration of specific cultural aspects; independent use
of current professional working tools and translation Technologies
UE Translation II German-French (UE / 2h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Ludovic Roland Maurice Milot
Details of this course
Es sind Wahlmodule im Umfang von insgesamt 32,5 ECTS-AP wie folgt zu absolvieren:
Variante 1: Wahlmodule 1 bis 3 (20 ECTS-AP) und Wahlmodule aus 6 bis 18 (12,5 ECTS-AP) oder
Variante 2: Wahlmodule 4 und 5 (12,5 ECTS-AP) und Wahlmodule aus 6 bis 18 (20 ECTS-AP)
Elective Modules (32.5 ECTS-Credits)
Elective Modules 1 to 3
Elective Module 2: Translatorics II Second Foreign Language (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 5 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of elective module 1
Learning Outcome: Translation competence in the language pair with focus on functional and text-type-appropriate translation and in consideration of specific cultural aspects; independent use of current professional working and translation tools
UE Translation II German-French (UE / 2h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Ludovic Roland Maurice Milot
Details of this course
Elective Modules 4 and 5
Elective Module 4: Translatorics I Second Foreign Language (in one direction) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 5 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of compulsory module 8
Learning Outcome: Translation competence in the language pair with focus on functional and text-type-appropriate translation and in consideration of specific cultural aspects;
UE Translation II German-French (UE / 2h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Ludovic Roland Maurice Milot
Details of this course
Bachelor's Programme Comparative Literature according to the curriculum 2012 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Elective Modules (40 ECTS-Credits)
(2) Elective modules covering 40 ECTS-Credits must be passed, at least 20 ECTS-Credits of which must be selected from a foreign language in a fashion to promote the acquisition or advancing of language skills of one and the same language (Russian, English, Italian, French or Spanish). These Credits can either be passed with elective modules 1-18 or by passing modules in Comparative Literature at another foreign-language university (Russian-, English-, Italian-, French- or Spanish-language university).
Elective Module 14: French 4 (5 ECTS-AP, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of elective modules 11, 12 and 13
Learning Outcome: Grammar and vocabulary and basic writing skills at level B2+
UE Grammar and Vocabulary French 4 (B2+) (UE / 2h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Ludovic Roland Maurice Milot
Details of this course
In place of the elective modules, complementary modules (30 ECTS-Credits) can be passed, providing the availability of places. Complementary modules are specified modules from other curricula corresponding to 30 ECTS-Credits. They are disclosed in the University of Innsbruck Bulletin.
Elective Modules in the Elective Area (30 ECTS-Credits)
Es kann eine zweite romanische Sprache, die nicht als Schwerpunktsprache gewählt wurde, im Umfang von insgesamt 15 ECTS-AP absolviert werden. Es sind das Wahlmodul 6 und das Wahlmodul 7 zu absolvieren.
Elective Module 6: Second Romance Language II (10 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Grammar and vocabulary at level B1+ to B2+, basic competences in reading and writing at level B1+ to B2+, basic competences speaking at level B1 to B2
UE Grammar and Vocabulary French 4 (B2+) (UE / 2h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Ludovic Roland Maurice Milot
Details of this course
Minors (Complementary Subject Area)
Minors (Complementary Subject Areas) (30 ECTS-Credits)
Minors (Complementary Subject Areas) für Bachelor's Programmes at the University of Innsbruck
Minor: Culture and Management in Context (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: The Minor Culture and Management in Context covering 30 ECTS-Credits may be selected by regular degree students of bachelor's programmes at the University of Innsbruck if the respective curriculum provides the possibility to pass a Minor.
Learning Outcome: Graduates are able to understand and apply basic theories and practices of management and organisation in the field of arts and culture, to combine and systematically reflect on theory and insights into organisational practices of organisations in the arts and culture sector, as well as to critically reflect and reappraise concrete organisational practices and to build up an intellectually critical as well as practically relevant repertoire in thinking and acting.
Elective Modules (12.5 ECTS-AP)
Elective modules covering 12.5 ECTS-Credits are to be passed:
- Students of the Bachelor's Programme Architecture may not select elective module 1.
- Students of the Bachelor's Programme Translation Studies may not select elective module 2.
- Students of the Bachelor's Programme European Ethnology may not select elective module 4.
- Students of the Bachelor's Programme Philosophy may not elective module 5.
- Students of the Bachelor's Programme Art History may not select elective module 6.
- Students of the Bachelor's Programmes Comparative Literature, French, Italian and Spanish may not select elective modules 7 and 8.
- Students of the Bachelor's Programme Comparative Literature may not select elective module 9.
- Students of the Bachelor's Programmes English and American Studies, French, Italian and Spanish may not select elective modules 10 and 11.
- Students of the Bachelor's Programme Slavonic Studies may not select elective module 12.
- Students of the Bachelor's Programme German Philology may not select elective module 15.
Elective Module 2: (5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Sprach- und Kulturkompetenz in der gewählten Fremdsprache im Hinblick auf die in der Berufspraxis erforderlichen Hintergrundkenntnisse für die Translation.
UE Languages and Cultures in Comparison French (UE / 4h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Ludovic Roland Maurice Milot
Details of this course
Minor: Translation: Translating and Interpreting (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: (1) The Minor "Translation: Translating and Interpreting" covering 30 ECTS-Credits may be selected by regular degree students of bachelor's programmes at the University of Innsbruck, if the respective curriculum provides the possibility to pass a Minor.
(2) The individual modules and courses of the Minor "Translation: Translating and Interpreting" may be studied, providing the availability of places.
(3) The Minor is passed in the mother tongue or language of education and one foreign language. The following languages can be selected: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian. Passing the Minor requires a command of the two chosen languages at level B2+ (CEFR).
(4) Students of the Bachelor's Programme in Translation Studies may not pass the Minor "Translation: Translating and Interpreting".
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the Minor "Translation: Translating and Interpreting" know the differences and special features of the various forms, modes and settings of translation and have developed an awareness of the necessity of professional translation. They have gained a first insight into the activity of professional translation and interpreting as well as into translation studies.
Compulsory Modules (30 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory modules covering 30 ECTS-Credits are to be passed:
Compulsory Module 3: Translation (7.5 ECTS-Credits; 5h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Translation competence in the language pair with focus on functional and text-type-appropriate translation and in consideration of specific cultural aspects; independent use of current professional working tools and translation technologies.
UE Translation II German-French (UE / 2h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Ludovic Roland Maurice Milot
Details of this course
- There may still be changes in the courses offered as well as room allocation and course dates.
- The course descriptions found in the English version of the course catalogue are for informational purposes only. Authoritative information can be found in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (German version of the course catalogue).