Faculty of Business and Management
Bachelor's Programme Management and Economics according to the Curriculum 2007 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules: Core Programme Management according to § 6 Para 2 (52.5 ECTS-Credits, 28 h)
Compulsory Module 5: Fundamentals of Management: Strategy and Marketing (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: Positive completion of the compulsory module "Introduction to Management"
according to § 6 Para 1 No 1 and "Introduction to Economics" according to § 6 Para 1 No 2.
Learning Outcome: Students gain an overview of management and acquire the competence to analyze,
discuss, and develop possible solutions to elementary business Issues.
Diploma Programme International Economic and Business Studies according to the study programme of 2001 (240 ECTS-Credits, 8 semesters)
First Part of the Diploma Programme according to § 5 Para 1 (112.5 ECTS-Credits, 60 h)
Elective Module 6: Fundamentals of Management: Strategy and Marketing (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: Positive completion of the compulsory module "Introduction to Management"
referred to in § 5 Para 1 No 1 and "Introduction to Economics" referred to in § 5 Para 1 No 1a
Learning Outcome: Students gain an overview of management and acquire the competence to analyze,
discuss, and develop possible solutions to elementary business Issues.
Faculty of Psychology and Sport Science
Bachelor's Programme Sports Management according to the Curriculum 2015 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules (165 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory Module 11: Fundamentals of Management: Strategy and Marketing (7.5 ECTS-Credits; 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of compulsory modules 2 and 3
Learning Outcome: Conveyance of overview knowledge in the field of business economics, ability to analyse, discuss and solve simple business issues
Bachelor's Programme Sports Management according to the Curriculum 2007 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules (155 ECTS-Credits)
Module 15: Fundamentals of Management: Strategy and Marketing (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: Positive completion of module 2.
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of an overview knowledge in the area of Business Administration, the ability to analyse discuss and solve simple issues of Business Administration.
Faculty of Economics and Statistics
Bachelor's Programme Management and Economics according to the Curriculum 2007 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules: Core Programme Management according to § 6 Para 2 (52.5 ECTS-Credits, 28 h)
Compulsory Module 5: Fundamentals of Management: Strategy and Marketing (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: Positive completion of the compulsory module "Introduction to Management"
according to § 6 Para 1 No 1 and "Introduction to Economics" according to § 6 Para 1 No 2.
Learning Outcome: Students gain an overview of management and acquire the competence to analyze,
discuss, and develop possible solutions to elementary business Issues.
Faculty of Law
Bachelor's Programme Business Law according to the curriculum 2015 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Elective Modules (15 ECTS-Credits)
Elective Module 6: Fundamentals of Management: Strategy and Marketing (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of compulsory modules 12 and 13
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of management; ability to analyse, discuss and
solve simple business issues.
Diploma Programme Business Law according to the curriculum 2003 (C 115)
Second Part of Studies (§ 6 and § 7) - First Part
Bound Elective Subjects (§ 6 Para 2) (14 h)
Im zweiten Studienabschnitt sind gebundene Wahlfächer im Umfang von 14 Semesterstunden aus dem folgenden Fächerkatalog zu absolvieren, davon mindestens 10 Semesterstunden aus den unter Ziffer 1 bis 9 angeführten Fächern
10. Management 3: Strategy and Marketing (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)