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Faculty of Teacher Education
Bachelor Secondary School Teacher Training Programme (General Education) according to the curriculum 2015 (240 ECTS-Credits, 8 semesters)
INFO Subject Computer Science
VU Bridge Course Mathematics (VU / 3h / 3 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Franosch, Elisabeth Hell, Tobias Josef Hell, Lisa Schlosser, Peter Thoman, Pia Tscholl
Details of this course
INFO Subject Mathematics
VU Bridge Course Mathematics (VU / 3h / 3 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Franosch, Elisabeth Hell, Tobias Josef Hell, Lisa Schlosser, Peter Thoman, Pia Tscholl
Details of this course
INFO Physics
Compulsory Modules (100 ECTS-Credits)
Providing the availability of places, courses amounting to 5 ECTS-Credits can be freely chosen from the Bachelor and Diploma Programmes offered at the University of Innsbruck, with the exception of the second teaching subject. It is recommended to pick courses in natural sciences and technology, science ethics and on gender-specific aspects, inclusive education, multilingualism, media pedagogy etc.
Compulsory Module 17: Interdisciplinary Skills (5 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: The prerequisites specified by the respective curricula must be met.
Learning Outcome: Graduates have acquired additional and advanced competences.
For further information about courses click COURSES.
VU Bridge Course Mathematics (VU / 3h / 3 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Franosch, Elisabeth Hell, Tobias Josef Hell, Lisa Schlosser, Peter Thoman, Pia Tscholl
Details of this course
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics
INFO Bachelor's Programme Computer Science according to the Curriculum 2019 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules (165 ECTS-Credits)
  COURSES Compulsory Module 22: Interdisciplinary Skills (10 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Die in den jeweiligen Curricula festgelegten Anmeldungsvoraussetzungen sind zu erfüllen.
Learning Outcome: This module serves the acquisition of additional qualifications.
Nach Maßgabe freier Plätze sind Lehrveranstaltungen aus den Curricula der an der Universität Innsbruck eingerichteten Bachelor- und/oder Diplomstudien zu wählen. Es wird empfohlen, eine Lehrveranstaltung aus dem Bereich Gender Studies, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung zu absolvieren.
VU Bridge Course Mathematics (VU / 3h / 3 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Franosch, Elisabeth Hell, Tobias Josef Hell, Lisa Schlosser, Peter Thoman, Pia Tscholl
Details of this course
INFO Bachelor's Programme Physics according to the Curriculum 2007 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Elective Module 4: Interdisciplinary Competences I (5 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Students are able to explain interdisciplinary fundamentals from the fields of engineering sciences, biology, chemistry and pharmacy, geo- and atmospheric sciences, interdisciplinary basics of gender aspects, advanced basics from one or several partial areas of physics, mathematics or computer sciences, beyond the courses of the Bachelor's Programme Physics or interdisciplinary basics of gender aspects, and their corresponding concepts.
Course with a total of up to 5 ECTS-Credits from the course offer at the Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Sciences and Physics and Engineering Science set up at University of Innsbruck, but not at the same time courses of the Bachelor's Programme Physics, can be chosen freely. It is recommended to attend teaching units on the topic of the gender aspects of mathematics, informatics and physics.
VU Bridge Course Mathematics (VU / 3h / 3 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Franosch, Elisabeth Hell, Tobias Josef Hell, Lisa Schlosser, Peter Thoman, Pia Tscholl
Details of this course
INFO Bachelor's Programme Mathematics according to the Curriculum 2007 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Fifth Semester
  COURSES Compulsory Module 23: Auxilary Skills (10 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Students of this module have been given insights into topic areas that are covered by the content of modules 1-22.
Teaching units amounting to 10 ECTS-Credits are to be completed. This must include at least one unit on Ethics, Scientific Theory or Scientific History. It is recommended to choose a teaching unit on Gender Aspects in Mathematics, Informatics or Physics. For further information about courses click COURSES.
VU Bridge Course Mathematics (VU / 3h / 3 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Franosch, Elisabeth Hell, Tobias Josef Hell, Lisa Schlosser, Peter Thoman, Pia Tscholl
Details of this course
Interdisciplinary and additional courses
Interdisciplinary courses
Interdisciplinary courses for Bachelor's Programmes
VU Bridge Course Mathematics (VU / 3h / 3 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Franosch, Elisabeth Hell, Tobias Josef Hell, Lisa Schlosser, Peter Thoman, Pia Tscholl
Details of this course