Faculty of Business and Management
Bachelor's Programme Management and Economics according to the Curriculum 2007 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules Introduction according to § 5 Para 1 Z 1 and 2 (15 ECTS-Credits, 8 h)
Compulsory Module 1: Introduction to Management (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of a basic understanding of the way of thinking in management and economics; practicing a systematic-critical approach to scientific texts; writing of own texts on the basis of scientific working methods.
Compulsory Modules Core Programme Management according to § 5 Para 1 Z. 3 - 9 (42,5 ECTS-Credits, 24 h)
Compulsory Module 1: Accounting 1: Financial Accounting (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of the compulsory modules Introduction to Management and Introduction to Economics
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of overview knowledge in the field of business administration, ability to analyse, discuss and solve simple problems in business management.
VO Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Wolfgang Haas
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Bernhard Marte
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Gurkirat Singh Bedi
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marco Michael Haid
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Julia Dödlinger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Irina Elisa Hosp
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Alexander Gogl
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Martin Rieder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
Compulsory Module 18: Seminar with Bachelor's Thesis according to § 5 Para 1 Z. 18 (15 ECTS-Credits, 1 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of the elective module SBWL (Fundamentals) acc. to §5 par. 2 of the area of specialisation Management or the elective module SVWL (Fundamentals) acc. to §5 par. 3 in the area of specialisation Economics, the focus of which can be allocated to the Bachelor's Thesis.
Learning Outcome: Independent writing of a written paper on a topic in management or economics (see §7) that meets the requirements of good scientific practice.
Elective Courses of the Major in Management according to § 5 Para 2 Z. 1 - 28 (30 ECTS-Credits, 16 h)
Elective Modules Special Business Administration (Fundamentals) according to § 5 Para 2 Z 1 - 14
If you are interested in a master program at the School of Management (Master Program in Accounting, Master Program in Auditing and Taxation; Master Program in Banking and Finance, and Master Program in Strategic Management), please be aware of the qualitative admission requirements in effect from WS 15/16 onwards, since they might have consequences for your choice of Special Business Administration ("SBWL") courses.
Elective Module 1: SBWL Financial Reporting and Auditing (Fundamentals) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of compulsory module Accounting 1: Financial Accounting and of four further compulsory modules from the core area of management acc. to §5 par. 1
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of specialised knowledge in accounting and auditing, ability to analyse, discuss and solve advanced business problems, acquisition of presentation and communication skills.
VO Group Accounting and International Financial Reporting (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Sabine Maria Graschitz, Rudolf Steckel
Details of this course
Elective Module 2: SBWL Company Taxation (Fundamentals) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of compulsory module Accounting 1: Financial Accounting and of four further compulsory modules from the core area of management acc. to §5 par. 1
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of specialised knowledge in business taxation, ability to analyse, discuss and solve advanced business problems, acquisition of presentation and communication skills.
If you are interested in a master program at the School of Management (Master Program in Accounting, Master Program in Auditing and Taxation; Master Program in Banking and Finance, and Master Program in Strategic Management), please be aware of the qualitative admission requirements in effect from WS 15/16 onwards, since they might have consequences for your choice of Special Business Administration ("SBWL") courses.
PS Company Taxation (PS / 2h / 3,5 ECTS-AP)
Valentina Barbara Girardi, Rainer Partl
Details of this course
Elective Modules Special Business Administration (Advanced) according to § 5 Para 2 Z 15 - 28
From one of the two chosen areas of special business management, one of the elected modules (enhancement) is to be completed. Enrolment for elective enhancement depends on the successful completion of one of the respective prescribed modules (basics) according to Para 2:
Elective Module 15: SBWL Financial Reporting and Auditing (Advanced) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of elective modules SBWL Financial Reporting and Auditing (Fundamentals)
Learning Outcome: Specialisation in accounting and auditing, discussion and solution of advanced business problems, improving of presentation and communication skills.
If you are interested in a master program at the School of Management (Master Program in Accounting, Master Program in Auditing and Taxation; Master Program in Banking and Finance, and Master Program in Strategic Management), please be aware of the qualitative admission requirements in effect from WS 15/16 onwards, since they might have consequences for your choice of Special Business Administration ("SBWL") courses.
VO Auditing according to National and International Standards (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Gunnar Frei, Rudolf Steckel
Details of this course
Elective Module 16: SBWL Company Taxation (Advanced) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of the elective module SBWL Company Taxation (Fundamentals)
Learning Outcome: Specialisation in business taxation, discussion and solution of advanced business problems, improving of presentation and communication skills.
If you are interested in a master program at the School of Management (Master Program in Accounting, Master Program in Auditing and Taxation; Master Program in Banking and Finance, and Master Program in Strategic Management), please be aware of the qualitative admission requirements in effect from WS 15/16 onwards, since they might have consequences for your choice of Special Business Administration ("SBWL") courses.
Elective Modules according to § 5 Para 4 Z. 1 - 35 (30 ECTS-Credits)
Elective Module 6: Tax Management (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of the compulsory module Accounting1: Financial Accountingas well as three compulsory modules from the core area of management acc. to §5 par. 1
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of specialist knowledge and skills in tax management
Elective Module 8: Accounting and Business Restructuring (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of the compulsory module Accounting1: Financial Accountingas well as three compulsory modules from the core area of management acc. to §5 par. 1ne
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of specialist knowledge and skills in the field of business Accounting and restructuring
Diploma Programme International Economic and Business Studies according to the study programme of 2001 (240 ECTS-Credits, 8 semesters)
First Part of the Diploma Programme according to § 2 Para 2 and § 5 Para 1 (120 ECTS-Credits, 67 h)
Compulsory Modules: Core Programme Management according to § 5 par. 1 Z 1 and 1a: Introduction (15 ECTS-Credits, 8 h)
Compulsory Module 1: Introduction to Management (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Compulsory Modules Core Programme Management according to § 5 par. 1 Z. 2 - 8 (42,5 ECTS-Credits, 24 h)
Compulsory Module 2: Accounting 1: Financial Accounting (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of the compulsory module "Introduction to Management"
referred to in § 5 Para 1 No 1 and "Introduction to Economics" referred to in § 5 Para 1 No 1a
Learning Outcome: Students gain an overview of management and acquire the competence to analyze,
discuss, and develop possible solutions to elementary business issues.
VO Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Wolfgang Haas
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Bernhard Marte
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Gurkirat Singh Bedi
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marco Michael Haid
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Julia Dödlinger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Irina Elisa Hosp
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Alexander Gogl
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Martin Rieder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
Second Part of the Diploma Programme according to § 2 Para 2 and § 7 Para 1 (120 ECTS-Credits, 37 h)
Elective Module 4 - 17: Elective Modules Special Business Administration (Fundamentals) according to § 7 Abs 2 (15 ECTS-Credits, 8 h)
Elective Module 5: SBWL Company Taxation (Fundamentals) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: First Diploma Examination
Learning Outcome: Students acquire specialized knowledge of company taxation, the competence to
analyze, discuss and resolve advanced business issues, as well as presentation and communication skills.
PS Company Taxation (PS / 2h / 3,5 ECTS-AP)
Valentina Barbara Girardi, Rainer Partl
Details of this course
Elective Module 16: SBWL Financial Reporting and Auditing (Fundamentals) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: First Diploma Examination
Learning Outcome: Students acquire specialized knowledge of auditing, the competence to analyze,
discuss and resolve advanced business issues, as well as presentation and communication skills.
VO Group Accounting and International Financial Reporting (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Sabine Maria Graschitz, Rudolf Steckel
Details of this course
Elective Module 18 - 31: Elective Module Special Business Administration (Advanced) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: First Diploma Examination.
Admission to the elective courses of SBWL Special Business Administration (Advanced) referred to in § 7 Para 2 No 18-31 requires the succesful completion of the corresponding course of SBWL Special Business Administration (Fundamentals) referred to in § 7 Para 2 No 4-17.
Electiver Module 18: SBWL Company Taxation (Advanced) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: First Diploma Examination
Admission to the elective courses of SBWL Special Business Administration (Advanced) referred to in § 7 par. 2 No 18-31 requires the succesful completion of the corresponding course of SBWL Special Business Administration (Fundamentals) referred to in § 7 par. 2 No 4-17.
Learning Outcome: Students acquire in-depth specialized knowledge of company taxation, the
competence to discuss and resolve advanced business issues, as well as advanced presentation and communication skills.
Elective Module 29: SBWL Accounting and Auditing (Advanced) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: First Diploma Examination
Admission to the elective courses of SBWL Special Business Administration (Advanced) referred to in § 7 par. 2 No 18-31 requires the succesful completion of the corresponding course of SBWL Special Business Administration (Fundamentals) referred to in § 7 par. 2 No 4-17.
Learning Outcome: Students acquire in-depth specialized knowledge of auditing, the competence to
discuss and develop possible solutions to advanced business issues, as well as advanced presentation and communication skills.
VO Auditing according to National and International Standards (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Gunnar Frei, Rudolf Steckel
Details of this course
Master's Programme Accounting, Auditing and Taxation according to the Curriculum 2007 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
All Master Students are required to use the LFU:online-System for the registration of courses (enrollment to the VO, VU or EX of a module will be automatically confirmed, if there is a registration for the SE, UE or PS):
Compulsory Modules according to § 6 (60 ECTS-Credits, 20 h)
Compulsory Module 5: Accounting (10 ECTS-Credits , 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: A sound basic knowledge of accounting.
SE International Annual Accounts Politics and Analysis (SE / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Ann-Kristin Großkopf, Ulrich Pawlowski
Details of this course
SE International Annual Accounts Politics and Analysis (SE / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Tessa Carolin Kunkel, Sebastian Pöhler
Details of this course
Compulsory Module 6: Research Colloquium for Master's Thesis (2.5 ECTS-Credits, 1 h)
Prerequisites for registration: Positive completion of the mandatory course seminar referred to in § 6 (1)
Learning Outcome: Having completed the research colloquium, students are able to create the concept of a scientific study, to write it, and to present research results in different contexts.
AG Research Colloquium for Master Thesis (AG / 1h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Sabine Maria Graschitz
Details of this course
AG Research Colloquium for Master Thesis (AG / 1h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Nadine Georgiou
Details of this course
Elective Module according to § 7 par. 1 (10 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Elective Module 2: Auditing according to International Standards on Auditing and Assurance Services (10 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of compulsory module § 6 No. 3
Learning Outcome: A detailed knowledge of the area of national and international auditing processes.
VO Introduction to the International Auditing Standards (VO / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Rudolf Steckel
Details of this course
SE Application of the International Auditing Standards (SE / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Sabine Maria Graschitz
Details of this course
SE Application of the International Auditing Standards (SE / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Julia Baldauf
Details of this course
Elective Module 3: Tax Planning (10 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of compulsory module § 6 No. 4
Learning Outcome: Understanding, reflecting on and solving practical and theoretical problems concerning tax planning and tax effects in companies.
SE Tax Planning (SE / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Clemens Endfellner, Christoph Heugenhauser
Details of this course
Elective Module according to § 7 par. 2 (10 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Elective Module 2: Financial Reporting and Auditing (10 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of the elective course referred to in § 7.1 (2) and the compulsory course seminar referred to in § 6 (5)
Learning Outcome: Reflection on practical and theoretical auditing and financial reporting topics in an international context.
PJ Accounting and Audit (PJ / 4h / 10 ECTS-AP)
Sabine Maria Graschitz, Simona Holzknecht, Irina Elisa Hosp
Details of this course
Additional courses
Credits cannot be used as an "Elective Course" or "Free Elective Course" in the Bachelor Program in Management and Economics (c 571).
Nicht anerkennbar als gebundenes oder freies Wahlmodul.
EX Accounting and Audit (EX / 4h)
Sabine Maria Graschitz, Simona Holzknecht, Irina Elisa Hosp
Details of this course
The extended study programme Entrepreneurship is designed for students and graduates of the study programmes mentioned in § 4 Paragraph 1, who want to extend their qualification profile by adding a scientifically based and practice-oriented training in the field of entrepreneurship.
Supplementary Programme Entrepreneurship according to the Curriculum 2021 (45 ECTS-Credits)
Registration for the interactive courses (SE, PS, PJ, VU) of the extended study programme Entrepreneurship at the Faculty for Business and Management is made through the LFU:online-system.
Registration for other courses of the module (EX, VO, VU) takes place after the registration deadline, once enrollment to SE, PS, PJ, VU has been confirmed by the institute.
Elective Course (7.5 ECTS-Credits)
LFU:online-Anmeldung für das Erweiterungsstudium Entrepreneurship an der Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft zu den interaktiven LVs (SE, PS, PJ, VU).
Eine Anmeldung zur EX, VO, VU eines Moduls erfolgt nach Ablauf der Anmeldefrist, nachdem die Teilnahme am SE, PS, PJ, VU bestätigt worden ist, vom Institut:
Elective Course 1: Accounting 1: Financial Accounting (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Erwerb von Überblickswissen im Bereich der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Fähigkeit zur Analyse, Diskussion und Lösung von einfachen betriebswirtschaftlichen Problemstellungen.
VO Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Wolfgang Haas
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Bernhard Marte
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Gurkirat Singh Bedi
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marco Michael Haid
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Julia Dödlinger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Irina Elisa Hosp
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Alexander Gogl
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Martin Rieder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
Courses in July/August
Bachelor's Programme Management and Economics according to the Curriculum 2007 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules Core Programme Management according to § 5 Para 1 Z. 3 - 9 (42,5 ECTS-Credits, 24 h)
Compulsory Module 3: Accounting 1: Financial Accounting (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of the compulsory modules Introduction to Management and Introduction to Economics
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of overview knowledge in the field of business administration, ability to analyse, discuss and solve simple problems in business management.
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
Diploma Programme International Economic and Business Studies according to the study programme of 2001 (240 ECTS-Credits, 8 semesters)
First Part of the Diploma Programme according to § 2 Para 2 and § 5 Para 1 (120 ECTS-Credits, 67 h)
Compulsory Module 2: Accounting 1: Financial Accounting (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of the compulsory module "Introduction to Management"
referred to in § 5 Para 1 No 1 and "Introduction to Economics" referred to in § 5 Para 1 No 1a
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of overview knowledge in the field of business administration, ability to analyse, discuss and solve simple problems in business management
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
Faculty of Psychology and Sport Science
Bachelor's Programme Sports Management according to the Curriculum 2015 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules (152.5 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory Module 2: Introduction to Management (7.5 ECTS-Credits; 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of a basic understanding of economic thinking and management; practicing a systematic-critical approach to scientific texts; writing of own texts on the basis of scientific working methods
Compulsory Module 8: Accounting 1 - Financial Accounting (7.5 ECTS-Credits; 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of compulsory module 2 and 3
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of an overview of the field of business management, ability to analyse, discuss and solve simple issues in business management
VO Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Wolfgang Haas
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Bernhard Marte
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Gurkirat Singh Bedi
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marco Michael Haid
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Julia Dödlinger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Irina Elisa Hosp
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Alexander Gogl
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Martin Rieder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
Bachelor's Programme Sports Management according to the Curriculum 2007 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules (155 ECTS-Credits)
Module 5: Accounting 1: Financial Accounting (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: Positive completion of module 2.
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of overview knowledge in the area of Business Administration, the ability to analyse, discuss, and solve simple problem issues of Business Administration.
VO Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Wolfgang Haas
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Bernhard Marte
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Gurkirat Singh Bedi
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marco Michael Haid
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Julia Dödlinger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Irina Elisa Hosp
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Alexander Gogl
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Martin Rieder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
Faculty of Economics and Statistics
Bachelor's Programme Management and Economics according to the Curriculum 2007 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules Introduction according to § 5 Para 1 Z 1 and 2 (15 ECTS-AP, 8 SSt.)
Compulsory Module 1: Introduction to Management (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of a basic understanding of the way of thinking in in management and economics; practicing a systematic-critical approach to scientific texts; writing of own texts on the basis of scientific working methods.
Compulsory Modules Core Programme Management according to § 5 Para 1 Z. 3 - 9 (42,5 ECTS-Credits, 24 h)
Compulsory Module 1: Accounting 1: Financial Accounting (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of the compulsory modules Introduction to Management
and Introduction to Economics
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of overview knowledge in the field of business administration, ability to analyse, discuss and solve simple problems in business management.
VO Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Wolfgang Haas
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Bernhard Marte
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Gurkirat Singh Bedi
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marco Michael Haid
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Julia Dödlinger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Irina Elisa Hosp
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Alexander Gogl
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Martin Rieder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
Compulsory Module 18: Seminar with Bachelor's Thesis according to § 5 Para 1 Z. 18 (15 ECTS-Credits, 1 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of the elective module SBWL (Fundamentals) acc. to §5
par. 2 of the area of specialisation Management or the elective module SVWL (Fundamentals) acc. to §5 par. 3 in the area of specialisation Economics, the focus of which can be allocated to the Bachelor's Thesis.
Learning Outcome: Independent writing of a written paper on a topic in management or economics (see §7) that meets the requirements of good scientific practice.
Elective Courses of the Major in Management according to § 5 Para 2 Z. 1 - 28 (30 ECTS-Credits, 16 h)
Elective Modules Special Business Administration (Basic Course) according to § 5 Para 2 Z 1 - 14
If you are interested in a master program at the School of Management (Master Program in Accounting, Master Program in Auditing and Taxation; Master Program in Banking and Finance, and Master Program in Strategic Management), please be aware of the qualitative admission requirements in effect from WS 15/16 onwards, since they might have consequences for your choice of Special Business Administration ("SBWL") courses.
Elective Module 1: SBWL Financial Reporting and Auditing (Fundamentals) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of compulsory module Accounting 1: Financial Accounting and of four further compulsory modules from the core area of management acc. to §5 par. 1
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of specialised knowledge in accounting and auditing, ability to analyse, discuss and solve advanced business problems, acquisition of presentation and communication skills.
VO Group Accounting and International Financial Reporting (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Sabine Maria Graschitz, Rudolf Steckel
Details of this course
Elective Module 2: SBWL Company Taxation (Fundamentals) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of compulsory module Accounting 1: Financial Accounting and of four further compulsory modules from the core area of management acc. to §5 par. 1
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of specialised knowledge in business taxation, ability to analyse, discuss and solve advanced business problems, acquisition of presentation and communication skills.
If you are interested in a master program at the School of Management (Master Program in Accounting, Master Program in Auditing and Taxation; Master Program in Banking and Finance, and Master Program in Strategic Management), please be aware of the qualitative admission requirements in effect from WS 15/16 onwards, since they might have consequences for your choice of Special Business Administration ("SBWL") courses.
PS Company Taxation (PS / 2h / 3,5 ECTS-AP)
Valentina Barbara Girardi, Rainer Partl
Details of this course
Elective Modules Special Business Administration (Intermediate Course) according to § 5 Para 2 Z 15 - 28
From one of the two chosen areas of special business management, one of the elected modules (enhancement) is to be completed. Enrolment for elective enhancement depends on the successful completion of one of the respective prescribed modules (basics) according to Para 2:
Elective Module 15: SBWL Financial Reporting and Auditing (Advanced) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of elective modules SBWL Financial Reporting and Auditing (Fundamentals)
Learning Outcome: Specialisation in accounting and auditing, discussion and solution of advanced business problems, improving of presentation and communication skills.
If you are interested in a master program at the School of Management (Master Program in Accounting, Master Program in Auditing and Taxation; Master Program in Banking and Finance, and Master Program in Strategic Management), please be aware of the qualitative admission requirements in effect from WS 15/16 onwards, since they might have consequences for your choice of Special Business Administration ("SBWL") courses.
VO Auditing according to National and International Standards (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Gunnar Frei, Rudolf Steckel
Details of this course
Elective Module 16: SBWL Company Taxation (Advanced) (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of the elective module SBWL Company Taxation (Fundamentals)
Learning Outcome: Specialisation in business taxation, discussion and solution of advanced business problems, improving of presentation and communication skills.
If you are interested in a master program at the School of Management (Master Program in Accounting, Master Program in Auditing and Taxation; Master Program in Banking and Finance, and Master Program in Strategic Management), please be aware of the qualitative admission requirements in effect from WS 15/16 onwards, since they might have consequences for your choice of Special Business Administration ("SBWL") courses.
Elective Modules according to § 5 Para 4 Z. 1 - 35 (30 ECTS-Credits)
Elective Module 6: Tax Management (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of the compulsory module Accounting 1: Financial Accounting as well as three compulsory modules from the core area of management acc. to §5 par.
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of specialist knowledge and skills in tax management.
Elective Module 8: Accounting and Business Restructuring (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of the compulsory module Accounting 1: Financial Accounting as well as three compulsory modules from the core area of management acc. to §5 par.
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of specialist knowledge and skills in the field of business accounting and restructuring.
Courses in July/August
Bachelor's Programme Management and Economics according to the Curriculum 2007 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Pflichtmodule Betriebswirtschaftlicher Kernbereich gemäß § 5 Abs. 1 Z. 3 - 9 (42,5 ECTS-AP, 24 SSt.)
Compulsory Module 3: Accounting 1: Financial Accounting (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of the compulsory modules Introduction to Management and Introduction to Economics
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of overview knowledge in the field of business administration, ability to analyse, discuss and solve simple problems in business management.
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
Faculty of Law
Bachelor's Programme Business Law according to the curriculum 2015 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules (165 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory Module 12: Introduction to Management (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of a basic understanding of economic thinking and management; practicing a systematic-critical approach to scientific texts; writing of own texts on the basis of scientific working methods
Compulsory Module 14: Accounting 1: Financial Accounting (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of compulsory modules 12 and 13
Learning Outcome: Acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of business administration; ability to analyse,
discuss and solve simple business issues.
VO Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Wolfgang Haas
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Bernhard Marte
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Gurkirat Singh Bedi
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marco Michael Haid
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Julia Dödlinger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Irina Elisa Hosp
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Alexander Gogl
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Martin Rieder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
Extension Study Programmes
The extended study programme Entrepreneurship is designed for students and graduates of the study programmes mentioned in § 4 Paragraph 1, who want to extend their qualification profile by adding a scientifically based and practice-oriented training in the field of entrepreneurship.
Supplementary Programme Entrepreneurship according to the Curriculum 2021 (45 ECTS-AP)
Registration for the interactive courses (SE, PS, PJ, VU) of the extended study programme Entrepreneurship at the Faculty for Business and Management is made through the LFU:online-system.
Registration for other courses of the module (EX, VO, VU) takes place after the registration deadline, once enrollment to SE, PS, PJ, VU has been confirmed by the institute.
Elective Course (7.5 ECTS-Credits)
LFU:online-Anmeldung für das Erweiterungsstudium Entrepreneurship an der Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft zu den interaktiven LVs (SE, PS, PJ, VU).
Eine Anmeldung zur EX, VO, VU eines Moduls erfolgt nach Ablauf der Anmeldefrist, nachdem die Teilnahme am SE, PS, PJ, VU bestätigt worden ist, vom Institut:
Elective Course 1: Accounting 1: Financial Accounting (7.5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Erwerb von Überblickswissen im Bereich der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Fähigkeit zur Analyse, Diskussion und Lösung von einfachen betriebswirtschaftlichen Problemstellungen
VO Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (VO / 2h / 4 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Wolfgang Haas
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Bernhard Marte
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marcus Ager
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Gurkirat Singh Bedi
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Marco Michael Haid
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Julia Dödlinger
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Irina Elisa Hosp
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Alexander Gogl
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Martin Rieder
Details of this course
PS Financial Reporting und Financial Statement Analysis (PS / 1h / 2 ECTS-AP)
Thomas Arnold Dilger
Details of this course