Faculty of Teacher Education
Bachelor Secondary School Teacher Training Programme (General Education) according to the curriculum 2015 (240 ECTS-Credits, 8 semesters)
Compulsory Modules Literary Studies (20 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory Module 14: Literary Analysis (5 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: successful completion of Compulsory Module 13
Learning Outcome: Insights into the development of American and British/Postcolonial literatures in their intellectual, social and political contexts; exemplary and focused dealing with- English/Postcolonial and American literature; intellectual understanding by dealing with present multicultural societies and their phenomena; application of the competences for analysing literary texts.
PS British and/or Postcolonial Literature: War and Poetry (PS / 2h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Charlotte Dorothee Birke
Details of this course
Master's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) according to the curriculum 2018 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
Elective modules corresponding to 15 ECTS-Credits must be passed. At least one seminar (SE) and one lecture (VO) must be passed.
Elective Modules (15 ECTS-Credits)
Elective Module 3: English Literature and Culture I (5 ECTS-Credits; 2h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Advanced insight in central topics, concepts and contexts of British and postcolonial literary and cultural history; literary and cultural science competence and (inter)cultural competence. Special focus is placed on the expansion of the competences for independent scientific working and text interpretation, in particular with regard to didactic perspectives, which should increase the sensitivity for the relationship between expert knowledge and school teaching for analysing different text types.
VO English Literature and Culture (with Reading List): House and Home: A Literary History (VO / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Charlotte Dorothee Birke
Details of this course
Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture
Bachelor's Programme English and American Studies according to the curriculum 2015 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules (165 ECTS-Credits)
Area of Competence: Literary Studies (35 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory Module 11: Advanced: British and Postcolonial Literary Studies (10 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: positive completion of compulsory module 10
Learning Outcome: Analysis and interpretation of foreign cultures, including intellectual, social and political aspects; understanding and discussing of intercultural phenomena by dealing with modern multicultural societies and their phenomena; treatment of selected works and themes of English and/or postcolonial literature;
PS British and/or Postcolonial Literature: War and Poetry (PS / 2h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Charlotte Dorothee Birke
Details of this course
Bachelor's Programme Comparative Literature according to the curriculum 2012 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Module (140 ECTS-Credits)
C. Theory of Literature and Culture (25 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory Module 9: Interculturality/Transculturality (10 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Knowledge of important methodological concepts of inter-/transculturality research; competence to apply important methodological and theoretical concepts of inter-/transculturality research to at least on field of inter-/transculturality research; in-depth exemplary study and reflection on inter-/transculturality research approaches in consideration of gender-specific aspects
UE Intercultural/Trancultural Analysis: Narratives of Home and Dwelling: Cultures, Crises, Utopias (UE / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Alena Gwendolin Heinritz
Details of this course
Master's Programme English and American Studies according to the curriculum 2009 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
Compulsory Modules (17,5 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory Module 1: Academic Research and Methodology (5 ECTS-Credits, 4h)
Prerequisites for registration: keine
Learning Outcome: Critical examination of current positions and methods of English and American research; optimisation
of subject-specific competences of scientific working, in particular theory-based
analysis of traditional and new media text types; application of relevant methods of scientific
communication (incl. scientific writing).
VU Current Research Perspectives, Theories and Methods: (VU / 2h / 2,5 ECTS-AP)
Charlotte Dorothee Birke
Details of this course
Elective modules corresponding to altogether 80 ECTS-Credits must be passed, whereby at least
two elective modules must be passed from elective modules no. 1, no. 2 and no.3, and at least one
module from elective modules no. 4, 5 and 6 as well as elective modules no. 7, no. 8 and no. 9.
In place of the elective module Interdisciplinary Skills (no. 10) and Individual Choice of Specialisation
(no. 11), complementary modules can be passed, providing the availability of places. Complementary
modules are specified modules from other curricula corresponding to 30 ECTS-Credits.
They are disclosed in the University of Innsbruck Bulletin.
Elective Modules (80 ECTS-Credits)
Elective Module 2: English Literature and Culture I (10 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Highly specialised knowledge of central forms, concepts as well as historic, social and medial
contexts of anglophone literature and cultural studies; critical dealing with different interpretation
approaches; expansion of the competences for analysing traditional and new media text
types as well as for independent scientific work.
VO English Literature and Culture (with Reading List): House and Home: A Literary History (VO / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Charlotte Dorothee Birke
Details of this course
Doctoral Programme Literature and Cultural Studies according to the curriculum 2009 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules (20 ECTS-Credits)
Module 1: Scientific Basics/Core Skills of the Thesis Topic (10 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: As defined in the respective curricula.
Learning Outcome: After the successful completion of this module, students possess the high level of interdisciplinary knowledge necessary for working on the dissertation.
Courses, as defined in the dissertation agreement, equal to 10 ECTS credits must be completed to provide the scientific basis/core competences for the dissertation topic.
SE Scientific Basics/Core Skills of the Thesis Topic: Theoretical Models and Frameworks (SE / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Charlotte Dorothee Birke, Heike Ortner
Details of this course
Doctoral Programme Linguistics and Media Studies according to the curriculum 2009 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Compulsory Modules (40 ECTS-Credits)
Module 1: Scientific Basics/Core Skills of the Thesis Topic (10 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: The prerequisites of the respective curricula do apply.
Learning Outcome: After the successful completion of this module, students possess the high level of interdisciplinary knowledge necessary for working on the dissertation.
Courses, as defined in the dissertation agreement, equal to 10 ECTS credits must be completed to develop the scientific basis/core competences for the dissertation topic.
SE Scientific Basics/Core Skills of the Thesis Topic: Theoretical Models and Frameworks (SE / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Charlotte Dorothee Birke, Heike Ortner
Details of this course
Interdisciplinary and additional courses
Innsbruck Doctoral College
Innsbruck Doctoral College: Grenzen, Grenzverschiebungen und Grenzüberschreitungen in Sprache, Literatur, Medien
SE Scientific Basics/Core Skills of the Thesis Topic: Theoretical Models and Frameworks (SE / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Charlotte Dorothee Birke, Heike Ortner
Details of this course
Minors (Complementary Subject Area)
Minors (Complementary Subject Areas) (30 ECTS-Credits)
Minors (Complementary Subject Areas) für Bachelor's Programmes at the University of Innsbruck
Minor: Comparative Literature: Literature - Culture - Media (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: The Minor Comparative Literature: Literature - Culture - Media covering 30 ECTS-Credits may be selected by regular degree students of bachelor's programmes at the University of Innsbruck if the respective curriculum provides the possibility to pass a Minor.
The individual modules and courses of the Minor Comparative Literature: Literature - Culture - Media may be studied, providing the availability of places.
Students of the Bachelor's Programme in Comparative Literature may not pass the minor Comparative Literature: Literature - Culture - Media.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the Minor Comparative Literature: Literature - Culture - Media have a first insight into the entire breadth of the subject of Comparative Literature (General and Comparative Literary Studies). They have - from the general point of view of the transgression of disciplinary, medial and linguistic-cultural boundaries in view of the international or globalised production, distribution, reception and communication of artistic and cultural phenomena - a knowledge of current positions in literary studies and are competent in dealing with texts of world literary significance, with literature and art in the areas of inter-/transculturality and intermediality as well as with theories of literature, culture and media.
Compulsory Modules (20 ECTS-Credits)
Compulsory modules covering 20 ECTS-Credits are to be passed:
Compulsory Module 1: Literature and Culture (10 ECTS-Credits; 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Students can recognise, understand and explain basic subject areas and methods in general and comparative literary studies; knowledge of important positions in literary studies, development of an awareness of theory and methods as well as the ability to constructively and critically examine different research approaches, focal points and research strategies; ability to apply selected methodological and theoretical concepts in inter/transcultural research to at least one area of intercultural and transcultural studies; exemplary advanced study and reflection on inter/transcultural research approaches in consideration of gender-theoretical aspects
UE Intercultural/Trancultural Analysis: Narratives of Home and Dwelling: Cultures, Crises, Utopias (UE / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Alena Gwendolin Heinritz
Details of this course
Minors (Complementary Subject Areas) for Master's Programmes at the University of Innsbruck
Minor (Complementary Subject Area): English and American Studies (30 ECTS-Credits)
Prerequisites for registration: Students of the Master's Programme English and American Studies may not pass the complementary subject area English and American Studies. The language skills required for the completion of the complementary subject area are assumed.
Learning Outcome: Graduates of the complementary subject area English and American Studies
- possess a specialised knowledge and specialised problem solving skills and competences in the fields of English and American Studies, required for finding and implementing methodically sound solutions to subject-specific questions.
- have a critical awareness of factual questions in the field of English and American Studies.
- are able to successfully work on complex fields of knowledge in English and American
Studies in an innovative and interdisciplinary way.
Compulsory Modules (30 ECTS-Credits)
The following modules from the curriculum of the Master's Programme English and American Studies (elective modules 1, 2 and 3) covering altogether 30 ECTS-Credits must be passed:
Compulsory Module 2: English Literature and Culture I (10 ECTS-Credits, 4 h)
Prerequisites for registration: none
Learning Outcome: Highly specialised knowledge of central forms, concepts as well as historic, social and medial contexts of anglophone literature and cultural studies; critical dealing with different interpretation approaches; expansion of the competences for analysing traditional and new media text types as well as for independent scientific work.
VO English Literature and Culture (with Reading List): House and Home: A Literary History (VO / 2h / 5 ECTS-AP)
Charlotte Dorothee Birke
Details of this course