Career Opportunities | FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)



My Qualification Profile

My Documents


Any open questions? Then, please contact the Personnel Department.


How can I log in to Career Opportunities?

  • You have NO University of Innsbruck e-mail account
    If you don't have a University of Innsbruck e-mail account, you have to register in Career Opportunities. There, enter your personal data and e-mail address and create a password. You will then receive an e-mail with a link to activate your account. As soon as you have activated the account, you can log in with your user name (= your e-mail address) and your password.

    Once you have received a University of Innsbruck e-mail address (having become a student or employee of the university), it is no longer possible to log in with the account you created. From this point onwards, you can log in to Career Opportunities with the user name (also known as "c-code") provided by Central IT Services ("ZID").

  • You have a University of Innsbruck e-mail account
    Log in with the user name (also known as "c-code") and the system password (also known as "mail password") provided by Central IT Services ("ZID") of the University of Innsbruck. Students receive their login data (user account) for LFU:online in the course of their registration at the Admission Department. Employees will be sent their login data by mail to their workplace.

More Information:

Where can I change my password?

Please use the following links to edit your password:

More Information:

Why is it not possible for me to log in to Career Opportunities?

Reason 1: You have entered a wrong user name and/or password. Please try again and check your login data.
If you would like to edit your password and you are:

Reason 2: You don't have a personal user account. If you receive the error message Login failed because this is no personal user account please contact the LFU:online Support Team.

More Information:

I don't have a personal user account - what should I do?

If during login you get the error message Login failed because this is no personal user account please directly contact the LFU:online Support Team.

More Information:


How do I apply for a job advertised in Career Opportunities?

In order to apply for a job posted in Career Opportunities, please complete the following steps:

  • In the job advertised, click Apply online.
  • If you have not logged in to the Career Opportunities yet, please enter your user name and password now.
  • The application process is divided into 3 steps:

My Qualification Profile
Enter the following date here:

  • Highest completed level of education (e.g.: compulsory school)
  • Education/training (e.g.: primary schools, secondary school, computer courses, _)
  • Job experiences and other relevant periods (e.g.: summer jobs)

    Under other relevant periods, please list items like military service, maternity leave or stays abroad.

  • Foreign language skills
  • Computer skills (e.g.: Microsoft Office - basic skills)

My documents
Your application should include your cover letter, a curriculum vitae, certificates/references and for academic positions an optional didactic concept. You can upload these files in one pdf document or in several pdf documents (max. number of 4 files).

Submit application
Here you have the opportunity to check and edit your contact data. You can also check your application one more time before submitting it and make edits if necessary.

After these steps, you can send your application to the University of Innsbruck under Submit application.

More Information:

Can I also submit an unsolicited application for a job?

Applications are possible for advertised jobs only.

More Information:

Do I have to apply through Career Opportunities?

In principle, the University of Innsbruck assumes that applications are submitted online. In the case of technical difficulties, you can also send your application by mail. Your application will then be scanned and processed like an online application.

More Information:

When will I get an answer to my application?

When advertising jobs, the University of Innsbruck needs to comply with legal regulations, especially in terms of prescribed time limits. We ask for your understanding that this might mean waiting periods.

More Information:

Is it possible to apply for several jobs advertised by the University of Innsbruck?

Yes, you can use your profile to apply for other jobs advertised, if you have the required qualifications for these jobs.

More Information:

Is it possible for another person to enter my online application?

It is important that the login data are those of the applicant. Our system requires this or else it can't match your application with your data.

More Information:

My Qualification Profile

What is "My Application Profile" and which data do I have to provide?

The qualification profile shows your competences and experiences. Here you can provide information about your education, job experiences and qualifications. You need to enter your highest completed level of education; completing other parts or the entire qualification profile is optional. Instead of entering data, you can also upload documents.

Highest completed level of education
If this is the first time you apply for a job through Career Opportunities, the first question you need to answer after logging in is the one of your highest completed level of education. You can choose among the following options:

  • University degree (doctoral programme)
  • University degree (diploma or master programme)
  • University degree (bachelor programme)
  • Diploma from a teacher training academy
  • Other tertiary degree (e.g.: "Kolleg", master craftsperson, continuing education course)
  • School leaving exam of an upper secondary general school
  • School leaving exam of an upper secondary vocational or technical school
  • Apprenticeship diploma, intermediate vocational or technical school
  • Compulsory education
If you want to, you can use the field Comments to add a short comment about your education.

Click Save, to save your data and continue. If you want to edit your data, please click Edit. .

Your data will remain stored in Career Opportunities under My Applications. If you edit your qualification profile after having submitted an application, this will have no influence on the application submitted already.

Education and training
Under Education and training, you can add education and training to your qualification profile. This includes, for example:

  • School education (e.g. primary school, different types of secondary education, ... )
  • Studies at universities, universities of applied science and "Kollegs"
  • Courses (computer courses, language courses, ...)
The fields Title of education and training and Education from have to be completed; all other fields are optional.

Click Add to save your data and add more education items or Back to cancel the process.
If you want to edit your data, please click Edit , in order to delete an education or training item, click Delete .

Your data will remain stored in Career Opportunities under My Applications. If you edit your qualification profile after having submitted an application, this will have no influence on the application submitted already.

Job experiences and other relevant periods
Under Add job experiences and other relevant periods, you can add, for example, the following data to your qualification profile:

  • Job experiences
  • Summer jobs
  • Internships
  • Maternity leave
  • Stays abroad
  • Military service
The fields Type of experience and From have to be completed; all other fields are optional.

Click Add to save your data and add more job experiences and other relevant periods, or Back to cancel the process.
If you want to edit your data, please click Edit , in order to delete a job entry or other period, click Delete .

Your data will remain stored in Career Opportunities under My Applications. If you edit your qualification profile after having submitted an application, this will have no influence on the application submitted already.

Foreign Language Skills
Use the point Add computer skill to enter your foreign language skills.

The fields Language and Command of spoken and written language have to be completed; the field Comments is optional.

Click Add to save your data and add more languages, or Back to cancel the process.
If you want to edit your data, please click Edit , in order to delete a foreign language, click Delete .

Your data will remain stored in Career Opportunities under My Applications. If you edit your qualification profile after having submitted an application, this will have no influence on the application submitted already.

Computer skills
Use the point Add computer skill to add computer skills to your profile.

The field Type of computer skill has to be completed; all other fields are optional.

Click Add to save your data and add more computer skills or Back to cancel the process.
If you want to edit your data, please click Edit , in order to delete a computer skill, click Delete .

Your data will remain stored in Career Opportunities under My Applications. If you edit your qualification profile after having submitted an application, this will have no influence on the application submitted already.

More Information:

Do I need a curriculum vitae in addition to my qualification profile?

If you add many details to your qualification profile, it is possible to use your qualification profile instead of a curriculum vitae. Please make sure to enter your data as exactly as possible.

More Information:

Which periods of education/training do I have to enter?

Please enter all periods of education/training relevant for the job advertised.

More Information:

How can I change my qualification profile?

Please complete the following steps to edit your qualification profile:

  • Click My Qualification Profile.
  • In order to edit an item, click Edit next to the item you want to modify or Delete to delete this item.

More Information:

Can I change my qualification profile after having submitted an application?

You can edit your qualification profile after having submitted an application; however, the data in the application will not be affected by the changes.

More Information:

My Documents

Which documents should I add to the application?

The University of Innsbruck requires you to provide the following documents:

  • Cover letter (Why do I apply for this job?)
  • Curriculum vitae (Who am I?)
  • Certificates/references (What are my qualifications?)
  • Didactic concept (optional; for academic positions only if expressly required)

If you add many details to your qualification profile, it is possible to use your qualification profile instead of a curriculum vitae.

More Information:

Which certificates/references should I include?

Please enter all certificates/references that prove that you have the qualifications required by the job description.

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In which format can I upload my application documents?

You can use only pdf files to upload your application documents. Please be careful that your files are not larger than 4 MB.

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How can I convert my file into a pdf document?

In order to convert a file into a pdf document, you need to use a PDF Converter. E.g.:

Please use the website of the respective software company to inform yourself about how you can convert a file into a pdf document.

More Information:

How can I combine several files into one pdf document?

First, convert your files into individual pdf documents.Please use the website of the respective software company to inform yourself about how you can merge individual pdf documents.

More Information:

Where do I see how large my file is?

In order to see the size of your document, please complete the following steps:

  • Go to the folder in which you have saved the file.
  • Click View > Details.
  • You can now see the column Size.
  • The figure in this column may not exceed 4 MB.

More Information:


Information on data protection

For the electronic application process, only data required for effective administrative processes are collected. These include the name and contact details as well as date of birth, sex, nationality and educational qualifications (including references). This data will be used solely to verify the necessary qualification for the position advertised, to ensure equal opportunity or rule out discrimination or to facilitate early recognition of potential obstacles to taking up employment, e.g. "successive contract" issues. Solely to this purpose we also ask you to - voluntary - supply your social security number. All other information, which you consider relevant to your application is voluntary and it is up to you how you wish to portray yourself. You are able to modify this information to suit each separate application by previewing your application before you send it as well as being able to access this information at any stage during the procedure.

The data collected in the University of Innsbruck career portal will not be transferred to other systems or databases; should you take up a position, any necessary information will be requested separately by the personnel department. Likewise, none of your data will be passed on to third parties unless you have agreed to (previous) employers being contacted.

Eight months after the conclusion of an application process, this process will automatically be erased in the career portal. You can modify or remove the data in your profile at any time; as soon as no (further) applications appear in your profile, you can delete this yourself at any time.

Further Information on data protection: Data Protection.