Here you will find the current job offers of the University of Innsbruck:

Job description (Code) Administrative unit Hours/ fixed-term Closing date
There are no job offers in this category.

The University of Innsbruck strives to increase the percentage of women and thus expressly encourages women to apply. This is particularely true for leading positions and scientific job offers. In case of underrepresentation women with the same qualifications will be given priority.

At the University of Innsbruck employees from all over the world work, research and teach together. Depending on the individual scientific community the language used may be German, English or another (if unanimously decided).
Internal communication is in German. Therefore a basic knowledge of German (minimum level of B2) or the willingness to acquire such knowledge within 2 years after employment is essential.

Applicants may not claim travel or hotel expenses accrued during the application and interview process.

Data Protection

Data protection declaration for applicants at the University of Innsbruck